Chapter 80 - celebrating the prince

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3 days later.

King Rhaegar, queen Brianna and the queen's sister Lyra, Lyra's lord husband Jaime and their children, Daemon, Gerion and Jariella sit together in the great hall in the Red Keep and break the fast together with their servants and household.
"Will you take part in the melee today, m'lord?" King Rhaegar asks Jaime. "In celebration of the prince's birth."
"No, your grace, I will not, my lady wife asked me not to, so I agreed that I will not take part in the melee", Jaime says.
"Then you and your family shall sit with me and her grace and the prince and our lord hand, your lord father", king Rhaegar says. "Your lady mother and your lord brother will be sitting in my pavilion as well."
"I heard rumors that lady Lyra's and her graces' brothers and male cousins will be taking part in the melee", Jaime says.
"Yes, they will take part in the melee", king Rhaegar says. "And me and her grace the queen will pick a few new guards for the king's and queen's guard."
"Will you and the queen pick your new guards on your own or will you do it with help from my lord father, your grace's hand?" Jaime asks.
"We will do it with help from your lord father, the lord hand", king Rhaegar says.
"Sounds wise, your grace", Jaime says.

The celebration of the birth of prince Jaehaerys lasts for four days. After the celebration is ended, Jaime, Lyra, their children and their household returns to Casterly Rock.
"Lord and lady Lannister, welcome home, how was King's Landing?" Will says, greeting Jaime and Lyra as they ride in to Casterly Rock after the four day long journey back home.
"King's Landing was as it was when we were last there", Jaime says.
"We got the news about your lady sister", Will says.
"Yes, it was something that had to happen", Jaime says.
"Did she try things with you or your lady wife again?" Will asks.
"Yes, she did, and that led to her death", Jaime says. "We didn't do it, the king's spider had heard about Cersei's attempts at murder and attempts at adultery and took matters into his own powdered hands."
-"So you didn't ask for it to be done?" Will asks.
"Of course not, despite everything she was, everything she did and everything she tried to do, Cersei was my sister, I had hoped she would better her ways, but she was too far gone, too far set in her ways", Jaime says.

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