Chapter 126 - another lion cub at the Rock

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A year later.

Lyra is heavy with child again, she sits with her ladies and a couple servants in her rooms while Jaime is in the training yard with their heir and parts of the Lannister army.

She feels her water break and gasps.
"Tiana, send for maester Craylen and you, Bradley, send for lord Lannister, my husband, he is in the training yard with our heir, tell him that I'm about to give birth to his next child and that I will need him at my side in this battle", Lyra says calmly, she knows exactly what's coming, she's done all this so many times before.
"Yes, lady Lannister", Bradley Flowers, one of the new young manservant's of Casterly Rock, says, rushing to get Jaime.
"Get hot water, clean linen, food, wine and ale for the lord and lady of Lannister, lord Lannister gave me a list for the kitchens for when lady Lyra were to go into labor", Cerelle says efficiently, handing over the list to Bradley.
"I'll go at once", Bradley says, taking the list, bowing to Lyra and just as he leaves the room, he bumps right into Bronn. "Captain, pardon me."
"You're excused, lad, what's the rush?" Bronn asks, standing back at the door of the master's chambers.
"The child is coming, do you have my lord husband with you, captain?" Lyra asks.
"Your lord husband and his heir, lord Daemon, are returned from their training, they are at this moment in the great hall, m'lady, if you wish, I'll run to get lord Jaime for you at once", Bronn says.
"Thank you, captain", Lyra says, giving her friend, the captain of her household guard, a grateful smile and a little nod.

Bronn gives a light nod and a bow in return to his friend and mistress and goes to the great hall to find his friend and master for her.

He finds Jaime and Daemon in the high seat, Jaime's banner men sitting and standing around in the great hall, waiting their turn to speak in front of their lord and his heir, and leans in to whisper in Jaime's ear.
"Your child is coming, lady Lyra wishes to have you at her side, m'lord, she is in your rooms", Bronn whispers in Jaime's ear.
"Stay with my heir, Captain", Jaime says, getting up from the table. "Daemon, I must go to your lady mother, she is about to give birth to your new little sister or brother, while I'm occupied with your lady mother and the birth of your new sister or brother, you are their lord and they answer to you, Bronn is staying here with you, to remind anyone thinking to do you harm, who he has at his side, who's heir you are and who will be their master when I'm no longer around."
"Yes, father, give my love to my lady mother and the new baby", Daemon says, taking up the high seat no longer occupied by Jaime, Bronn standing tall, dark and strong beside his master's heir, his hands resting lightly on the pommel of his sword.

Jaime runs rapidly through the halls of Casterly Rock and bursts through the door of the chambers where Lyra is laying in childbirth.
"Are you well, wife?" Jaime asks, getting up to the side of his lady wife.
"Your child is as wild as his father, kicking me like a horse", Lyra says.
"Easy now, we are eager to see you too, little lion, but you must be kind to your lady mother", Jaime says, putting his large hand lightly on Lyra's swollen large stomach. "Has your water left you yet?"
"Yes, it has left me, a few minutes ago, five, perhaps ten, no more than fifteen minutes ago", Lyra says, a little surprised at her husband's question.
"How close are your contractions, beloved?" Jaime asks.
"About 6 minutes apart", Lyra says.
"How open are you?" Jaime asks.
"Jaime!" Lyra exclaims.
"I know, that wasn't very lordly of me, was it, beloved? Do you allow me to check?" Jaime asks.
"Yes, I allow you to check, you know my body as well as I do, just be careful", Lyra says, relaxing as Jaime cleans his hands by dipping them in a small bowl containing prepared clear strong alcohol.

Jaime feels around between Lyra's legs, his skillful fingers determine that she is nearly ready, open enough to, without issue or even the slightest hint of pain, take both his large strong hands inside her.
"You're ready, my beloved", Jaime says lightly.
"How do you know these things?" Lyra asks.
"How many childbirths have you endured, beloved, how many times have I made you with child?" Jaime asks.
"Six times, counting this one, two stillbirths, buried by the great oak in the courtyard, one lost before it's first quickening and the births of Daemon, of Gerion, of Jariella and of our twins", Lyra says.
"And I've been at your side for each one of them", Jaime says with a smile.

Lyra whimpers as she feels a cramp ripple through her body.
"Jaime! Jaime, help me...please, help me", Lyra whimpers.
"It's alright, my love, I'm here, when you feel the next contraction, you push", Jaime says calmly. "Hold on to me."

Lyra feels another cramp rippling through her body and gives three pushes and the baby is born, a strong baby boy with a golden mop of hair, wavy curls like his mother and his father's blue green eyes.

Jaime carefully wraps the newborn baby up in his arms, washing the newborn with a cloth and carefully cuts the umbilical cord with one of the sharp knives in his belt, just as the maester walks in.
"Another beautiful, strong and lusty boy, my love", Jaime says with a smile.
"Brandon Lannister", Lyra says with a sigh. "For my late uncle."
"Brandon Lannister, welcome to the world", Jaime says with a gentle smile.

Just as Jaime has laid their newborn son on Lyra's aching breast, maester Craylen walks in with a couple servants.
"I see the resilient, resourceful lord and lady of Lannister has taken care of business on their own, what sex does the child have?" maester Craylen says with a chuckle.
"A boy, a strong healthy lusty boy, his name is Brandon Lannister, the winter lion", Lyra says.
"May I examine you and your new baby, m'lady?" maester Craylen asks.
"Yes, maester, you may", Lyra says.
"After you've examined my wife and son, we need you to send some letters for us, to Winterfell, to King's Landing and to Lannisport, to lord and lady Stark, to my lord father and lady mother and to the royal family and my family members in the king's and queen's service", Jaime says.
"Yes, m'lord", maester Craylen says, starting to examine Lyra and baby Brandon. "Everything seems alright with both of you."

Maester Craylen starts writing the letters to Winterfell, King's Landing and Lannisport, dictated by Jaime.
"Honorable lord and lady Stark, I write you with joyous news, another son was born to our houses this day, a strong, lusty, healthy copper haired gray eyed beauty that we have given the name Brandon Lannister, for his lady mother's, lady Lyra of house Stark, late uncle and young cousin/sir Jaime Lannister, lord and master of Casterly Rock, warden of the west, the golden lion, the shield of Lannisport"
"Honorable lord and lady Lannister, I write you with joyous news, a son was born to our houses this day, a strong, lusty, healthy copper haired gray eyed beauty that we have given the name Brandon Lannister, for his lady mother's, lady Lyra of house Stark, late uncle and young cousin/sir Jaime Lannister, lord and master of Casterly Rock, warden of the west, the golden lion, the shield of Lannisport"

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