Chapter 93 - the young lioness and the dragon prince

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Jaime and Lyra are in King's Landing with their children and their household for the betrothal ceremony between prince Jaehaerys of houses Targaryen and Stark and his cousin lady Jariella of houses Lannister and Stark.

As they enter the throne room, Tyrion Lannister, the king's hand and lord Jaime's younger brother, announce their arrival in a loud voice, enhanced by the stone walls of the castle.
"Lord Jaime of house Lannister, master of Casterly Rock, warden of the west, the golden lion and father of the bride and his lady wife lady Lyra of houses Lannister and Stark, mother of the bride, the pride of the north, lady of Casterly Rock, the she wolf, the lion's lover, mistress of the north and their sons lord Daemon of houses Lannister and Stark, heir to Casterly Rock, the young wolf, the lion prince and lord Gerion of houses Lannister and Stark, the summer wolf, the young lion, heir to Winterfell", Tyrion says.

Jaime and Lyra walk in and stand behind their daughter and Lyra's nephew, the prince, the young dragon, with their sons between them. Jaime puts his arm around his lady wife's waist as they watch the ceremony between their copper haired blue eyed daughter and her young beautiful silver haired purple eyed cousin-husband the prince.

They watch as their daughter and the prince repeat after the septon and the ceremony is completed. After the ceremony, Jariella is shown to her apartments together with the ladies accompanying the family from Casterly Rock, assigned to stay in King's Landing with Jariella to make her feel more comfortable.

Two of the soldiers from her father's household guard are also assigned to stay with her when Jaime, Lyra and their sons return to the Rock. But the one who makes Jariella feel the most at home in her new surroundings is her uncle Tyrion, her father's younger brother and hand of the king.
"I'll show you around the castle so you can find your way here", Tyrion says sweetly to his niece after the ceremony is finished, turning to some of his own men. "Bring my niece's things to her chambers."
"Yes, lord hand", one of Tyrion's men says.
"This way, m'lady", Tyrion says, taking his niece by the hand, turning to Jaime and giving him a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, Jaime, I've got this, I'll make sure that lady Jariella finds her way around her."
"Thank you, Tyrion, look after my daughter", Jaime says.
"Always, I will make sure that my niece is safe and comfortable here", Tyrion says.
"Thank you, Tyrion, being under your care, my daughter is in good hands", Lyra says.
"And should I fail to care for and protect my niece, may her wolf queen aunt strike my head from my shoulders and her dragon king uncle roast me on a spear over a pit of burning wildfire", Tyrion says, hand on his heart.
"And roast you I will if you don't protect our niece properly while she's here", king Rhaegar says, coming up behind Tyrion.
"I'll make sure that you won't have to waste wildfire, your grace, I'll make sure to keep my niece safe and healthy while she's here, so that she can marry the prince when the time comes", Tyrion says.

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