Chapter 49 - heir of the wolf

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"I suppose the customs are different in the north", the septa says.
"Yes, the customs are very different in the north", Tywin says. "Some of the noble houses of the north train their children the same, no matter if they are daughters or sons, especially house Stark, they let their daughters as well as their sons train with swords, shield, bow, arrow and knifes, my daughter in-law was trained in swordplay and other kinds of weapon's handling the same way my son was trained at Casterly Rock, and the same way Lyra's brothers and male cousins were trained."
"Who trained her? Do you know?" the septa asks.
"I suppose lord Benjen trained his daughter, or lord Eddard trained his niece, or perhaps the family's former guard captain, Jory Cassel, trained her, I'm quite sure it was lord Benjen who trained her, the master-at-arms trained the sons of lord Benjen and lord Eddard", Tywin says. "The master-at-arms at Casterly Rock trained Jaime."
"Who do you think will train your grandsons?" The septa asks.
"I suppose Jaime and Lyra will train my grandsons together with their own guard captain and the master-at-arms at Casterly Rock when my grandsons will start training with weapons in a year or two", Tywin says.

Jaime and Lyra are in King's Landing with their sons. They sit at a table together in the Red Keep. The king walk up to them and Jaime offers him a seat at their table.
"Your grace", Jaime says. "May I present my lady wife, lady Lyra of houses Lannister and Stark and our sons Daemon and Gerion."
"Ah, lady Lyra, the young lady who turned down the offer to marry my son, Prince Rhaegar, to marry the son of my hand, Tywin of house Lannister", King Aerys says with a dangerously sweet smile.
"The prince is a wonderful man, but I knew he wanted another woman more than he wanted me and he knew that I saw him more as a dear friend rather than a potential partner, the same as I knew he saw me, your grace", Lyra says, lowering her eyes in respect for the king.
"I know how you and the prince feel about each other and I've accepted that you won't be my daughter in-law", king Aerys says. "Perhaps we could discuss a possible betrothal between one of your children and one of the prince's future children."
"It's an honorable offer, your grace, my lord husband and I will take your gracious offer under consideration and discuss it", Lyra says.
"Your father and mother have taught you good manners, lady Lyra", king Aerys says.
"I was brought up to be my father's heir, your grace", Lyra says.

A couple hours later, while Bronn is keeping Gerion and Daemon occupied in the stables and training yard of the Red Keep, Jaime and Lyra are gently making love in the big bed in Jaime's old chambers inside the castle.
"Jaime, I'm with child again", Lyra says when they are cuddling after sex.
"How far along are you?" Jaime asks.
"About two moons", Lyra says.
"That's wonderful news, my love", Jaime says, giving Lyra a gentle kiss on the forehead.
"Hold me, let me sleep on you", Lyra says, nuzzling his chest.

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