Chapter 23 - The fury of a lioness

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"Listen, my love, she's furious, my sweet sister", Jaime says, chuckling, the vibration of his laughter reverberating against Lyra's hand on his hard, flat, firm stomach, his abs playing under her hand against his soft skin.
"Bronn and lord Robert did well with the guards", Lyra says.
"She must have thought that she could easily get at me", Jaime says. "And she must have thought that Robert was oblivious to what she'd tried with me, and she must have forgotten that you and her husband, lord Robert, are friends and that you would warn him, that we would warn him about what she might try with me."
"Yes, your sweet sister must have forgotten that Robert and I are dear old friends and that I or you would of course warn him about what she might do to you, what she might try with you, what she had tried with you, but that you had always turned her down, that you never wanted her that way, that you only ever wanted me", Lyra says.
"She must also have forgotten that I, of course, told you what she's tried with me and that either of us could have told Robert what my sister tried with me", Jaime says. "Enough talk of my sister, mount me, wife, make love to me, make me scream for you, make me scream so loud that my sweet sister hears me enjoy you."

Lyra mounts Jaime, sitting naked atop him, looking down in to his sparkling sky blue eyes, her breasts bouncing as she rides him. She entangles her fingers in his thick chest hair.
"Enter me, Jaime, slip in to me, make love to me", Lyra moans, entangling her fingers in his chest hair, giving it a tug, moving her hands to his nipples.

Lyra pinches Jaime's nipples, Jaime pulls Lyra down over him, making Lyra wrap herself around him, Lyra takes his puckered nipple between her teeth and hears Jaime moaning as Lyra bites him.

Jaime flips them over so he's on top, Lyra wraps her arms and legs around him, entangling her fingers in his hair and kissing his lips, neck and chest.
"Scream, Jaime, let me hear you scream for me", Lyra moans, gently biting his ear as he pumps in her.

Jaime roars like a lion as he pumps his massive manhood in and out of her. In the master's chambers, Robert and Cersei lay in the big bed, Robert very convincingly pretending to be sleeping but being very much awake and Cersei looking grim as she hears her twin screaming his pleasure as he orgasms inside his lady wife.
"Wolf bitch", Cersei mumbles between her teeth, looking over to make sure that Robert is sleeping.

Cersei carefully gets out of the bed, putting on a silk robe and slips out of the door. Outside the chamber door, Robert's guards stand to attention.

Before Cersei can react, Robert's guards grab her roughly.
"And where do you think you're going?" The guards asks.
"To see my brother", Cersei says.
"In the middle of the night? When you can clearly hear your lord brother is rather busy at the moment, he and his lady wife have no wish to see you, for all I know, Jaime is in to the hilt inside his lady wife", the guards says.

Two of the guards grab Cersei as another open the door and push her back in to the chambers and lock her in. The thump of Cersei falling on her golden ass on the floor in front of the bed, "wakes" Robert and has him sit bolt up in the bed.

As Robert sees Cersei on the floor, he chuckles with laughter.
"Stopped from going to bed your darling brother, were you, dearest wife?" Robert asks with a chuckle.
"I have no idea what you're talking about", Cersei says defensively, getting to her feet.
"No?" Robert asks. "God's, Cersei, what kind of a fool do you take me for? Jaime and his lady wife Lyra told me that you tried to bed him, that you tried multiple times to bed him, but that he always turned you down."

Cersei looks shocked to learn that Robert knows what she's tried with Jaime, she then starts realizing that the reason that he knows is of course that Jaime and his wolf wife, has told him.
"So he told the wolf woman everything, did he?" Cersei asks.
"That wolf woman is your brother's wife, the mother of your nephews, they have no secrets for each other", Robert says.
"She deliberately keeps me away from him, out of spite, he was meant for me!" Cersei spits.

Robert slaps her, hard, sending her stumbling backwards.
"I'm sending you back to your father in King's Landing as soon as I possibly can, consider our marriage over", Robert roars.

The next morning, Robert sits with Lyra, Jaime and their sons in the great hall, breaking the fast with them.
"I'm sending your sister back to your father in King's Landing, as soon as I possibly can", Robert tells Jaime. "I told her that I want our marriage to be over, for all I know she's on her way already."
"I heard her accusing my wife of deliberately keeping me away from her", Jaime says.
"She did", Robert says.
"Want me to summon the maester for you?" Jaime asks. "To send a raven to my father? You can send it under my seal."
"Thank you, Jaime, yes", Robert says and Jaime has the maester summoned.

The maester walks in.
"I would like you to dictate a letter from me to lord Tywin Lannister in King's Landing", Robert says. "Concerning the annulment of my marriage to his daughter, lady Cersei, on the grounds of her attempts at infidelity."
"I and my lady wife can both attest to those claims", Jaime says.
"With whom did the lady Cersei attempt to be unfaithful to lord Robert?" the maester asks.
"With me and with our cousin Lancel", Jaime says. "I always turned her down when she tried getting me to bed her and have only ever had my lady wife in my bed, I do not know for sure if the same is true about my cousin, if he had my sister or not, but I have my suspicions, and those suspicions lean towards him having bedded her."

The maester writes the letter, with the angle that Cersei did bed her cousin, having Robert sign it and mark it with Jaime's seal and send it off with one of the castle's ravens.

When the letter is sent off, Robert excuses himself to go to Cersei's guards to tell them that he had a letter from lord Tywin, saying he needed her in King's Landing.

The guards go get everything ready for her journey without questioning it.
"I will leave for Storm's End before Cersei leaves for King's Landing", Robert says. "I have already sent Gendry to Storm's End with his nursemaids."
"Good", Jaime says. "Would you like some help getting everything ready?"
"Thank you, Jaime, but I have my servants preparing everything as we speak, I told them to be ready to leave within the next three hours, I had your maester give Cersei some dream wine", Robert says. "Her guards will carry her and all her things out to the wagons from Tywin, when I've left with my wagons and servants for Storm's End."

Jaime glances to the side and gives a smirk.
"They're carrying her and her things out now", Jaime says.
"Good", Robert says.
"How much dream wine did the maester give her?" Jaime asks.
"A full cup, why?" Robert asks.
"Nothing", Jaime says. "I'm just concerned that she'll wake while they carry her out."
"She won't, the maester assured me of that", Robert says. "He made it strong enough to knock your warhorse out for an hour."

Jaime chuckles.
"Well, if it can knock Wind Sweeper out for an hour, then it should have my sweet sister knocked out all the way to King's Landing", Jaime says laughing.

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