Poems - Disclaimer.

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Disclaimer of sorts.

This is a sort of disclaimer I guess before reading Poems that I hope you will read thoroughly. I'm only going to say this once, so after this update I leave you in the hands of my friends who are more than ready to defend me.

Okay, Poems has gotten pretty popular and it's really great because I love Adria and this book and I love that people enjoy it and that it makes people happy!

Thing is, when a book gets popular it attracts the rude people of the internet, I'm not aiming this at one specific person - I'm aiming it at a lot of people lmao - but I'm not going to spend hours of my day defending my book and my opinions from people. I've had enough. It's just too annoying!

This book has typos. If that puts you off reading it then don't, but if you're fine with typos don't comment them, it doesn't help me it just annoys me. You're annoying if you comment typo's because it's not! Relevant!

This book needs edited, and at some point, I will edit it. when? I don't know but I would rather continue working on my many other books that people enjoy than to edit a book that is still good regardless of if I wrote done instead of did. It's not that deep! It's just a typo that I will fix later!

Calm. Down.

I'm sure I'm not the only writer who thinks this but, and I'm sorry if you don't understand but please don't comment or promote your work or other people's work on my book. Or don't reference another person's work on my book. It's rude and yes that book deserves compliments because writing a book is hard and that's great for them for doing so and whoever it is I'm proud of them for achieving that but if you're going to praise them, do it on their works and pages. I've spent a long time writing Poems and to get a comment notification only for it to be someone promoting or praising another person's work isn't a mood lifter and I bet you can understand why.

This book is really long, I suppose that can be a point in itself but it took me a long time. There's 177 chapters, 412,572 words and it's all my work. It's longer than the longest harry potter book so you can understand that it was stressful and long.

When I was writing this, I would stay up all night just to have a chapter ready to publish, and I would still go to college that same day running on no sleep because Poems was my main priority because I love writing more than anything else. I almost failed college because of this book and that is terrible and you may think that it was stupid of me to do so but writing this book for a while was my only source of happiness so now months later, it feels horrible for me to have to read through annoying/irritating/hateful messages when I put everything at risk.

I know it was my doing to write this book, but I could stop writing at any minute. If you know me well from my works you know I have a lot more books than just this one that I have worked on too, and I'm not getting paid to do any of this, and I don't care for that but it's my free time and energy that goes into all my books so why should I have to deal with messages like this when it feels like I'm getting nothing in return!

Please just remember that there is a person at the end of your comments and that person is me, i'm not my book. I'm a human being and i do read every comment and i love the comments that are sweet and nice and they're very lovely and i have met many beautiful and incredible angels because of this book and i'm forever thankful but i still have to read the bad comments and as much as people tell me not to let it get to you, it's hard.

I know this disclaimer is mostly me complaining and I promise I'm not terribly mean, more like angry. I've dealt with comments and they're hard to ignore especially when it's on my own work and my books that I've loved to write.

Thank you for reading this, it applies to all my books and if you are still going to be that person who comments anything I've went over then just,,,leave?

Also, don't plagiarise, like no one should have to tell you this but like if you're gonna write something make sure it's your own work

Also, uh, if you do decide to be a twat after this disclaimer I should just once again clarify that a bunch of angry girls known as my friends will come after you and if that isn't enough to terrify you idk what is

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