Angelic Maid, Beacon Butler

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"I beg your pardon?" Aurora asked the boy. 

I had to have misheard him.

He couldn't possibly have suggested such a thing.

"Can angels make contracts like demons can?"

Or perhaps I am proven wrong and he did suggest such a thing.

Aurora folded her arms over her chest, "For such a discussion I should think Sebastian should be present. Considering you are contracted to him."

Ciel grumbled a bit to himself and nodded a moment later. 

A knock at the door, then the footsteps of the butler entered the room. 

"My lord?" Sebastian said. He glanced at the angel and noticed her annoyed expression. "Your master has just asked me if angels make contracts like demons." She shot the boy a cold look before stalking over to join Sebastian, "This is your contract, you figure it out." 

Sebastian grabbed her arm, "Angelica. Stay." 

The demon looked at his master, "Yes. Angels can make contracts. However they are neither called contracts, nor are they the same."

Aurora slapped his arm, "Shush! You have no right to tell him any of that!"

He looked over at her, and there was a flash of hope in his eyes. 

If you make an oath with him, you can stay beside me at all times.

His eyes said it all.

She was shoulder to shoulder with him, and behind their backs, they laced their fingers together. Aurora sighed, "Angels can make pacts with humans. However, they are not akin to contracts whilst at the same time being dangerously similar." She paused.

"An angelic oath, like a contract, is a pact between a human and an angel. However, where demons get something in exchange, we angels don't."

Ciel frowned, "Then what do you get out of it?" 

Aurora sighed, "It's meant to work to guide lost souls back to God. But I'm not even sure I could make an oath with you, as you are bound to a demon." 

Sebastian looked curious, "Could it be worth it to try? Just to see what would happen?" 

Aurora shot him a glare, "Don't let your curiosity get the better of you. So much could go wrong. And binding two seals could kill him. It was painful enough when you put your mark on him, how will he handle double that? Besides, there's no telling what it would do to us."

Sebastian hummed, "Explain?" Aurora sighed, "Angelic magic and demonic magic are separate for a reason. Binding them together is forbidden, that should be enough to say something could go wrong. One or both of us could die in the process. One can over power the other, and corrupt them." 

She looked at him worriedly, "If angelic magic overpowered you, it could very well turn you to a pile of ash. If not force mortality upon you. If demonic magic overpowered me, it would drive me insane, the best case scenario is it could turn me into a Fallen. And that procedure is excruciating."

Sebastian looked interested, "Fallen?" He repeated, "Could that solve your current problem? If you are a resident of the Hellscape, they have no hold over you." 

Aurora screeched, "Are you mad?! Yes that could work- but like I said, excruciating! And I can't even tell you the last Arch to have become Fallen! Even then I'm not even a full Arch! You know I'm a half breed!" 

Sebastian's eyes flashed, "And how many times have I told you not to address yourself as such? Being the Arch's only daughter should be something your kind celebrate." 

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