White Maid AU/Cut Content (Alois Survived)

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Summary; Aurora saved Alois's soul and both Ciel and Alois are living as brothers at the Phantomhive Manor. Sebastian is not pleased.

Set: Right after season 2 / Book of Angels

A/N; I had toyed with making Alois a part of the Phantomhive household, but as I wanted to maintain close to canon, I decided no Alois would be better. This is a take on what could have been if Alois lived.

The Blonde and The Blue

After the angel had miraculously saved Alois Trancy's soul- Sebastian had been the one to bring them all back to the Phantomhive Manor, both boys having had their memories erased from the events. The days were always interesting, and after the first week of the two young masters being brothers, he had had enough. He was exhausted, which was saying something. Aurora was ecstatic and loved the idea of the two young masters.  But after the first snow of the season, Sebastian had enough.

Sebastian Michaelis had been walking through the halls, dusting when a snowball came hurtling through the window and smashed into the vase next to him. The demon butler's eyes narrowed and he turned his gaze outside. Ciel, Alois and Aurora stood there frozen for a moment before they resumed their game. Sebastian sighed and shook his head. Aurora giggled and called out, "Sorry, Bastian!" He dreaded the next case.

Circus Arc:

Soon enough, the next case came. Sebastian and Aurora took the boys to the circus, where the four of them played the role of a happy family. Which they played beautifully and even Sebastian was shocked at how well they looked together. While he went back to get his "wounds" checked, Aurora took the two children around to play games. Ciel wasn't that thrilled, especially with his allergies kicking in, but after some time he felt much better and it took Sebastian threatening no sweets to get them to return to the carriage.

When they joined the circus troupe, portraying a broken peasant family; Aurora being engaged to Sebastian, while tending her younger brothers, played by Alois and Ciel. The two 'brothers', became a duo. Giggle and Smile. The boys split a tent with Freckles, while Sebastian and Aurora were forced into a tent with William T Spears. Alois had some recollection of his time with Claude, and often woke to nightmares about it in which Ciel or Aurora would go to comfort him. Sebastian had been doing his tie one night when Aurora came into the tent and tried to seduce him. He was just about convinced and was ready to throw her onto the mattress and keep her down on her back until the dawn when she mentioned making the two boys demons or angels. At that, Sebastian almost had a heart attack and was no longer turned on. Instead, he had gone out to investigate the circus, shuddering at the thought of his dinner becoming that of his own child or ward.

 It was one morning in particular that Alois and Freckles pulled a prank on Ciel, dumping a large bucket of ice water on him. Sebastian was in a corner tucked away from the others with Aurora when they noticed the navy haired child run by, clutching his clothes tightly to his body. The demon and angel couple shared a look before following after him. Alois beat them to it. "Ciel! Ciel, I'm sorry! Please forgive me!" Alois cried. Aurora frowned, her hand in Sebastian's as they walked over. "What happened?" She asked. Alois barreled into her with a soft wail, "It's my fault! Freckles an' I poured water all over Ciel as a joke! Now Ciel's mad at me!" Alois clung to the angel's skirts as he cried. Aurora held Alois close and watched as Sebastian tended to Ciel, drying him off and then dressing him in a new set of clothes.

 That night, Alois woke from a  nightmare and ran to Sebastian and Aurora's tent in tears. "Aaurrorraaa!!!" He cried walking inside. Sebastian sat up in his bunk, crimson eyes glowing softly. He let out a soft growl at the boy. "She's asleep." Alois sniffled wiping his tears messily. He glanced over at Aurora's bed. "Where is she?" Sebastian smirked and nodded to the space beside him where Alois could just see the angel's shoulder from where he stood. "Oh." Sebastian sighed, "What ever is the matter, young master?" Alois sniffed, "I had... I had a bad dream." He stated, "A-About C-Claude." Sebastian tensed and the boy hiccupped. Sebastian looked at the angel beside him. She was already sound asleep, a smile on her face and curled close to the demon. Sebastian sighed, nodding for the boy to come up. "Come on up then." Alois nodded and scrambled up the ladder, curling close in-between the demon and angel. Aurora stirred a  bit and blinked sleepily. "Oh... Hello, Alois..." She pulled her arm around the boy, smiling as he curled into her side for comfort. As they both drifted off to sleep, Sebastian huffed and shifted close to the other side of the bunk. He growled when he heard the chuckle from the reaper below. "The starving demon becomes a parent to two young masters... How amusing." Sebastian tensed and snapped quietly, "Shut up."

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