His Butler, Dead - His Maid, Grieving

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Aurora watched Mey-Rin carefully. "Do not drop that." She warned, French accent thickening, "Monsieur Michaelis will be tres furieux." Bard glanced over at her, "Think you're bein' a little-"

"Un peu quoi, je vous prie, Baldroy?" She challenged. The chef stared at her blankly as Sebastian entered the kitchen. "I thought you were not speaking French?" He asked. "Was your English not improving?"

Aurora looked surprised, then her eyes seemed to glanced around looking for the words before she spoke again. "I... The party it is..." Sebastian looked somewhat amused, something that surprised the blonde. 

"We will review some English when we have a moment. You can understand it, can you?" 

Aurora nodded slowly. "Oui. I can." He smirked, "Actually, I do not believe you have any need to partake. If you would like to finish things in the kitchen I can handle the rest." 

Her heart swelled at his offer. "Non. I could not let you do it all alone."

The affectionate look between them didn't go unnoticed by the servants as the two slipped into the hallway. 

"Is it just me, or does anyone else think something's goin' on between those two?" Bard asked. Mey-Rin nodded, arms folded over her chest. "I like Miss Aurora, I do. But she's becoming a too close with Mister Sebastian, she is." 

Bard smirked, "Ruining your dreams, hmm?" Finny piped up, "I think the two of them make a cute couple!"  Bard nodded, "Right, Finny! They're a handsome pair! Aurora balances Sebastian- makes him less... mean."

Mey-Rin whined, "But-!" 

"Long as he doesn't have a ring on his finger, he's fair game."

Aurora sighed as he pulled her into the hall, leaning against the wall. "I'm sorry." She hummed, "I just- this is stressing me out." Sebastian frowned, tilting her chin up so he could see her eyes. 

"Dull." He murmured, "You need to rest. You've over exerted yourself." Aurora shook her head, "No- I need to-"

"You don't need to do anything." He said a little more firmly. "I will handle it. You need to go to bed." He offered his arm, "I will walk you if you-"

A crash behind them made them turn to see a guest stumbling out of the party, then quickly stumbling drunkenly back in. Aurora sighed, "I think you'll need me for damage control."

He went to protest, but she smiled kindly. "I'll go to bed after. I promise. As soon as Ciel goes, I'll go." Sebastian smirked, cupping her face, "There is no convincing you otherwise." Aurora mirrored his smirk, "I'm thinking for myself, is that not what you wanted for me?" 

She squeaked as he suddenly snatched her into his embrace, sweeping her against him, a lustful and loving gleam in his eyes. "Oh angel... I wish only the best for you." He sighed, "Whether that is by my side or not."

She smiled, taking a small step back, her hands still on him. "I want to be by your side." She kissed his cheek. "One day." Her hand glided down his arm to take his hand and place it over her heart, letting him feel the strong beat beneath. "Because that belongs to you." Sebastian smiled, letting his palm press a little more against her chest, so desperate to feel her heartbeat. 

"Does it now?" He purred seductively. Aurora hummed, "Of course." She smiled, "You know that I only have eyes for you, mon amoure." She began busying herself with fixing his tie- though the demon was fairly certain it needed no such adjustments.

"I could never choose another, I could never be with another. I only want you, you silly man." She pecked him on the nose, "So don't you ever think I don't want you." Sebastian smiled slyly, "You want me?"

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