Hunted Maid, Wench Butler Part 2

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Aurora landed by the redirected river. Now a small lake, it looked how it had thousands of years ago. She dropped onto a nearby rock and laid there, her wings hanging limply at her sides.

Had she truly just done that?

 "Well, well well!" Lilli Michaelis stepped out from behind a tree, "This works out very well for me, angel. I get to severe your pretty little wings and drag you back to hell with me, to be tortured for all eternity." Lilli licked her lips, "But who's to say I can't kill you here and now? I can do whatever I want and no one is here to stop me!" 

Aurora sighed, "I never meant to take him from you. I'm sorry."

Lilli huffed, "You never took him from me- he was never mine in the first place!"

She grinned then, "But once I end you it'll end his silly little infatuation, and release him from your angelic spell!" She advanced more, "You know, Malphas never truly saw me as his mate. He was always lusting for you- never once did he call my name, only yours. And to know he settled for me- is something I'm not very thrilled with."

She smirked, "I give you credit where credit is earned though, you managed to drive a Demon prince to the edge of oblivion to the point he almost died."

Tears had begun to spill from Aurora's eyes as Lilli continued, and she was oblivious to the demoness behind her. 

"The fact you were naïve enough to believe that the two of you could ever happen, is laughable. Well, at least now your suffering can be at an end." Lilli raised her blade, "Who am I kidding, I'm going to enjoy killing you over and over again, until your immortal soul can no longer regen."

She swung down, ready to cut the angel's wings, when her arm was grabbed, and she was thrown into the water. Aurora scrambled away from the demoness, pulling her rapier, and glaring at Lilli as the demoness pulled herself from the water. "You little bitch." Lilli grumbled, reaching for the whip on her hip, "You're going to pay for that."

Aurora's glare hardened, and her eyes flashed their immortal silver. "You may try."

"Sebastian," Ciel asked as they sat in the carriage on the way back to the manor, "Where did Aurora go?" Sebastian sighed, "I cannot be certain. If you wish I can go in search of her now?" The earl frowned, "No. If she has not returned after I'm set to bed, you may go see what you can find." His brow furrowed, "Sebastian." He looked at the demon. "You told me a story once. About an angel." 

Sebastian nodded, "Yes my lord. I recall."

Ciel stared at him for a moment, trying to find any hint of deception in the demon. "Aurora was that angel, wasn't she?"

Sebastian smiled slyly, "What makes you believe that, young master?"

Ciel glared, "Stop playing games. Tell me, is it her? Is Aurora Magne the angel you fell in love with?" 

Before the demon could respond, the carriage stopped at the town house, and Soma came running out, babbling about nonsense. Stepping out of the carriage, Sebastian looked to Agni, "Might I ask you to tend the young lord?" He asked, "I need to go and pick up Miss Magne from an errand."

Agni nodded, "Yes! Of course! It will be done." Sebastian smiled as he left, Agni was most helpful, he thought to himself, the man was truly the first human he could call his friend. 

Back tot he task at hand- Aurora. He was fairly certain that he knew where she had gone, he would have been rather surprised if he was wrong. As he arrived to the lake, his eyes burned with red hellfire at the sight before him. 

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