His Butler & Maid, Healing His Angel's Heart

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Sebastian Michaelis could recall the first few days of his affair with Aurora Magne. After her memory had returned, they had spent every night together.

The first night her memory returned, Sebastian and her walked through the Phantomhive Gardens whilst the dormant body of Ciel Phantomhive lay in the upstairs master bed room. He held her hand tightly in his, still trying to comprehend her survival. He was still interested to know what of her memory returned, if it had every last moment, or simply core memories.

As they walked, venturing from the gardens to the forest and towards the lake at a slow and steady pace, Sebastian began his interrogation, being as gentle as he possibly could. "So, might I ask what you remember of our time together?"

 Aurora hummed, moving closer to his side, clearly needing some form of comfort. "Bits and pieces, mon amoure. I remember Schon Bruhn, meeting you..." She frowned, "I remember a few of the places we went. But there's still things that are clouded." She looked at him, "How could I have forgotten you?"

Sebastian pulled an arm around her, "I cannot be certain. Ash only said that your father took your memories. He did not say how. And after he... killed you... I did not bother to ask questions." Aurora pushed herself into his side, offering her body for comfort. Sebastian kept her close, leading her to the clearing that was the lake.

 Aurora's eyes lit up like stars and she smiled. He hummed in amusement at the excited look in her eyes. "I already know you remember the lake." Aurora nodded, "We wanted to build our own little home here..." Sebastian shut his eyes briefly, letting the distant memory of when he had once kissed her at Schon Bruhn, the vision of them with a small brood of children at this very lake.

He looked up as he heard a splash. Aurora looked at him with a small mischievous smirk, standing ankle deep in the water. "Come on handsome, what are you waiting for?"

Sebastian smirked and joined her in the water, pulling her into his embrace and pressing a gentle kiss to her lips. She sighed against his lips before pulling away and resting her forehead against his. "I missed this..." Sebastian inhaled her sweet scent, and nodded. "As have I." 

Aurora frowned then, beginning to pull away. "But you are bound to another. We cannot..." Sebastian grasped her hand tightly. "I loved you first. If I am to be honest, I cannot even recall falling in love with Lilli. I believe our union was purely diplomatic." He sighed, "Besides, we never got a long well anyways."

 Aurora frowned, "Do you even hear yourself right now? You are willing to betray your mate for an angel. You are lusting for me." Sebastian narrowed his eyes slightly, "Lust? My dear- lust is only a mere fraction of what I feel for you. I love you deeply. You know that. If you think I only lust for the love of an angel, you have misjudged me." He tilted her chin up and pulled her back into his arms.

"The only one who ever made my heart beat was you, my love. You know that." Aurora looked confused. He frowned, "Angelica? Do you remember what happened after Schön Bruhn?" Aurora nodded, "Of course. You brought me home and we were meant to elope. You told me to gather my things and meet you back here." She frowned, "Why? Is that not what occurred that night?" Sebastian couldn't give her an answer.

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