His Butler & Maid, Lauding & Gaining Admittance

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The next few days passed slowly for Aurora. When she left bedrest, she quickly set to work in finding information on Derrick Arden. After she yelled at Sebastian, she had come to notice he seemed more distant and cold towards her. She resorted to spending all hours away from Blue House, remaining in her cat form for majority of the time. Now she was seated atop Purple house and was sunning herself in the afternoon sun. She wasn't quite ready to speak with Sebastian, and had made herself visible to only Ciel, and briefly spoke to him a couple of times, pulling him into a dark corner or the stables. It was the most current time she lead him to the stables and shifted to her human form did he bring up the subject of Sebastian. "You need to speak to Sebastian. He's worried. He hasn't seen you since your fight." Aurora sighed, "I'm not sure I'm ready to speak with him. He was quite angry last we spoke." She sighed, "I haven't found much about-" Ciel stopped her, "Don't change the subject." Aurora frowned. "Ciel. I'm considering going home." Ciel looked confused, "Back to Phantomhive Manor?" Aurora shook her head. "No. To Hell. I figure he'll have the rest of the contract to cool down, then when he comes back he won't be as angry with me." Ciel shook his head, "He's more concerned than angry. I haven't seen him more worried since one of his precious cats went missing for a couple days." Aurora chuckled, "That sounds like Sebastian." Ciel looked up at her, "I'm not ordering you to do anything, I'm just suggesting you fix things. He looks horrible." Aurora raised an eyebrow in question, "Horrible? Whatever do you mean?" Ciel smirked, "He was reprimanded earlier this morning by the vice head master for not being put together. And then he messed up a few translations in class." Aurora sighed, "You haven't informed him we've spoken?" Ciel shook his head. "I told him I saw you sneaking around on rooftops. But that was all." Aurora nodded, "I'll consider it." Her silver blue gaze shot to the boy, "Get to class. You're going to be late." 

It was much later that night, Sebastian was tutoring one of the students and not very enthusiastically. "Yes. Correct that to 'At first', not 'the beginning'." The student nodded and finished his work. "Thank you, Mister Michaelis! I understand it much better now!" Sebastian gave the boy a small smile, "it was no trouble." The student frowned, "Mister Michaelis? Are you feeling alright? You seem... upset." Sebastian shook his head, "I'm perfectly fine. Now, run along, it's far past light's out." The student left and the demon's face fell. He hadn't yet seen nor heard from his mate. His young master had said that he'd seen the angel sneaking about around Purple House as of late, but it did not ease his worries. He had taken to shifting into both cat and crow forms, but hadn't yet found her in the night. He'd no idea where she was residing, but he was growing worried. He made his way back to his quarters, opting maybe he should take the night to rest, but when he opened the door to his quarters, he was quite surprised. Aurora laid on the bed, reading a book. When the door opened, she glanced up and tossed the book aside and sat up. "Finally! I've been waiting for hours!" Sebastian wasted no time in shutting the door and moving quickly to the bed. He grabbed her in his arms and pulled her into a tight embrace, breathing in her sweet scent. When he finally pulled away, his eyes scanned her for injuries. "Where have you been?" He demanded worriedly, "I've been worried." Aurora smiled, "Around. I haven't found much about-" She didn't get to finish her sentence as her mate suddenly pinned her to the bed, his eyes glowing red. "No talking. Tonight is for us. Nothing else." Aurora hummed thoughtfully, "I take it you've missed me?" Sebastian growled, "I've missed you more than you can ever know, Angelica. I missed you so much it pained me to live life without you." He rested his forehead against hers and his hand gently caressed her face, "Where ever I go, I want you to be there with me. I cannot bare being away from you." Aurora giggled, "Since when have you become a hopeless romantic? I thought that was my job?" Sebastian smirked, "Who says I can't be a hopeless romantic?" Aurora smirked, "Well your not usually like this. Are you feeling alright?" He chuckled as she put the back of her hand to his forehead, then he pushed her back down. "Oh I'm going to show you just how much I missed you." Aurora leaned in, her breath hot against his face. "Then show me just how much you missed me, Malphas." 

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