White Maid One Shot #11

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Summary; Whilst in Germany, Aurora confides in Mey-Rin and is fearful that Sebastian is beginning to lose interest in her.

Set; Green Witch Arc


It had been when Sieglinde appointed him as her butler while Ciel was ill. Or maybe it was when he shoved his hand down the blonde's front and then up her skirt to retrieve Oscar the Snake. Regardless of when, Aurora had already been suffering enough. At night she would listen to Ciel's cries down the hall, unable to do anything about it. Sebastian was not there by her side in their bed to comfort her, or hold her and tell her it was alright. It was late when Aurora finally had enough. She climbed out of bed and made her way down to Mey-Rin's room. She knocked on the door and the purple haired maid opened it to the blonde wiping tears from her eyes. "Aurora?" Mey-Rin's voice was less nasally than normal. She gently ushered the woman into her room and sat her down on the edge of the bed. 

Aurora hiccupped a sob and put her head in her hands. "I don't know what to do anymore, Mey-Rin!" She cried. "I just don't know anymore!" Mey-Rin shushed her gently, "Aurora, what's wrong? Are you alright?" Aurora looked up at her through tear filled grey blue eyes. "I-I don't think he loves me anymore!" Mey-Rin stared at her. "What?" Aurora sniffled, "Sebastian. I don't think he loves me... anymore..." Mey-Rin frowned, "What makes you so sure of that?" Aurora wiped her eyes, "He doesn't want me near him... He won't... He won't come near me... He's never... never..." She clenched her fists. "He never comes to bed anymore... He just stays up all hours and avoids me like the plague..." She sniffled, "I don't know what I've done wrong... And then he worked with the other maids, the ones from the village and sent me away... He wouldn't keep me away if he was still interested would he? We've always been a team. It's always been the two of us..." She choked another sob. "Now its just- just..." She trailed off and rested her head on the older woman's shoulder. "I just don't know anymore..." She whispered, "If he didn't want me, why wouldn't he act the way he is?" She tensed. "I can't... I can't bear it... Knowing he doesn't love me anymore." Mey-Rin rubbed her back gently, "I'm sure he's just overworked, yes he is..."

 Aurora shook her head. "But he's not... I've seen him overworked. This is next to nothing for him. The only thing he is concerned about is Ciel..." She stiffened, "He could care less about me. He knows that seeing Ciel like this is hurting me yet he does nothing to help either one. He knows he cannot help Ciel- the least he could do is help me! He knows I can't handle seeing Ciel like this... It's... It's too painful..." Aurora broke into sobs again. "And then- and then there was Anne! Anne!" Mey-Rin raised an eyebrow, "The busty blonde maid?" Aurora nodded and walked over to the window and leaned on the ledge frowning when she saw Anne outside gathering herbs. "I'm not... I'm not like her..." Mey-Rin shook her head, "Maybe not- but Mister Sebastian loves you. It's obvious he does, yes it is!" Aurora sighed, "Not lately..." Her breath hitched as she spotted the demon walking over to Anne. 

The blonde smiled brightly and the two indulged in a conversation. Aurora tensed as he shook her hand. Aurora turned away before something else happened. She knew she was being selfish, being jealous of some foolish human. Aurora sat on the bed with Mey-Rin and let the tears run free. "If he loves me, then why doesn't he come to comfort me? Or- or at least tell me he loves me? He hasn't spoken to me in days, Mey-Rin!" Mey-Rin frowned, "Mister Sebastian's been busy tending to Lady Sullivan and checking on the young master, I'm sure he's just overwhelmed." Aurora choked another sob, "Even if he is- he knows I don't deal with these situations well! And usually he always makes time for me! Always!" Mey-Rin sighed, Aurora had so many insecurities sometimes. Mey-Rin smiled, "Calm down, I'm sure Sebastian will see you soon. If I see him myself I'll ask him to check on you, yes I will!" Aurora sniffed. "Maybe." She stood and wiped her eyes, "I should go back to my own room... Thank you Mey-Rin. For listening." Mey-Rin smiled fondly at her. "Yes, of course." 

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