White Maid Oneshot #40

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Summary; Ciel quietly observing his butler change throughout Aurora's time at the manor.

Set: Over the course of manga/anime

He is Hers, She is His

Ciel Phantomhive hadn't been too thrilled about Undertaker leaving Aurora Magne in his care. As far as Ciel knew, the woman had massive memory loss. That, or she was hiding something. He opted for the latter. And the look Sebastian had on his face when they entered the Undertaker's parlor made him lean more towards the second as well. He had felt Sebastian tense beside him. Seen the demon's eyes widen in shock. Shock that was being attempted to be held back. Once Aurora was an official member of the Phantomhive household, Ciel noticed the demon's mood begin to change drastically. She had been with them for maybe a month if even before the London fire. Ciel had fallen unconscious, so he was unaware of what happened. When he had awoken, he'd noticed the extreme closeness of them. He had pulled Sebastian aside briefly, and the butler had explained.

When Ciel finally came to, he was confused to the sight of the demon and house keeper by his bedside, both sound asleep on a loveseat in the room. Aurora was cuddled close to the butler, a content look on her face. Sebastian- who Ciel had never seen sleep (and doubted the demon ever did), was sleeping as well. The demon's arms were pulled around the blonde by his side, holding her protectively against his side. Ciel coughed startling them both. 

"Young master!" 

Aurora was practically on top of him, checking him worriedly, Sebastian was by his side, eyeing him up and down. Aurora was frantic, "Oh petite cherie! Ciel tell me- are you hurt? Where does it hurt?!" Ciel was extremely uncomfortable and Sebastian put a hand on Aurora's shoulder. "L'amoure. Relax. He is fine." Aurora looked worried still and Sebastian's eyes glittered with amusement, "Aurora. He's alright. I promise." Ciel was surprised as he leaned over to kiss her cheek. "Why don't you go make some tea, hmm?" Aurora smirked, "Are you trying to get rid of me, mon cher?" Sebastian returned her smirk, "Not at all my dear. It is just someone needs to remain with the master, and you do make splendid tea." He tugged her into his arms, "After all, anything an angel makes- food wise at least, is known to have healing properties- am I correct?" Aurora sighed, "True. But you know I never mastered the art! I was never proficient in angelic magic!" Sebastian licked his lips. "You were in other kinds." Aurora blushed, "Well I-" Sebastian smiled, a loving look on his face and Ciel was beginning to think. How long was I asleep?! What's happened?! Am I still thirteen?! How old am I?!  Aurora left the room to go make tea and Ciel finally croaked out. "Sebastian. How long was I asleep?" The butler frowned, "Hmm? Oh, not too long my lord. Just a few days. Two days short of a full week in fact. It's actually near dinner time. Would you like me to fix a risotto for you?" Ciel was in shock. A week? Not even? Then how does he expect me to believe that?!  Sebastian chuckled and Ciel realized he must have spoken. Ciel glared. "Explain Sebastian. You have thirty seconds before I take drastic measures." Sebastian chuckled, "Very well my lord." Aurora entered then with tea and brought it over, She sighed, "I did my best, but I don't think it'll be as good as yours." Sebastian glanced over, "You doubt yourself far too much my dear. You always have." He handed Ciel the tea and turned his attention back to the angel. "Why can't you be a bit more confident in yourself for once?"

 Aurora sputtered, "Excuse you! I'm plenty confident! Have you ever met me combat?!" Sebastian smirked, "The few times we had our games as children. Never in a real to the death battle." Aurora stuck her tongue out and flicked his nose making him flinch. "Then you cannot say you know me in battle." She wrapped her arms around his neck and sighed, "I still cannot believe -" Ciel snapped then, "Will one of you explain to me what is going on?!" Sebastian and Aurora shared a look. Then laughed. Sebastian pulled an arm around the blonde's waist. "Ah, yes. Young master, what is the last thing about Miss Magne you recall?" Ciel shrugged. "She started working for me? Quite recently might I add." He narrowed his eyes at the blonde who flinched and moved closer to the butler. Sebastian hummed, "Yes. I suppose I'll have to explain again. Young master, Aurora is an old friend of mine-" Aurora shoved him. "Are you friend zoning me?!" Sebastian smirked, "Of course not, cherie. You know I could never." Aurora folded her arms across her chest and pouted, "Mon cher-" Sebastian grabbed her around the waist and held her to his side. "Anyways-" He looked at Ciel and smiled, "Aurora and I have been close friends for several thousand years. Since we were about your age in fact." Aurora nodded, "Mmhmm." Sebastian continued, "Aurora has been staying with me, taking care of you while you were indisposed." Ciel looked alarmed, "You're having an affair?!" Sebastian shrugged, "use whatever human terms you like my lord. I wouldn't call it an affair. We've only been falling asleep in the same room." Aurora nodded, "Nothing too scandalous." She laughed, "Besides, no one else will know. And it is only the three of us in the entire manor. The others haven't yet been discharged from the hospital."

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