His Butler & Maid, Missing

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Aurora opened the door to a room a little further down. Sebastian was still holding Elizabeth, while his mate held her rapier tightly, ready to fight if need be. She gasped when she saw the room completely. "Oh, dear lord I think I'm going to be sick!" She turned around into Sebastian's chest. Sebastian handed Elizabeth to her and carried on. Sebastian walked throughout the room, examining every thing of interest. Aurora stood just outside the room, a hand over her mouth and Elizabeth in her other arm. Sebastian returned with a small brown satchel that made a clinking noise with each step he took. "Take Lady Elizabeth to the town house. I'll meet you there." Aurora nodded and stood on her toes to kiss him. "I'll see you later then?" Sebastian nodded, "I need only deliver this to Lady Sullivan and Wolfram." The couple walked outside together only to share a quick kiss before going their separate ways. 

Aurora made it to the town house in not much time and walked in, going straight to the drawing room. 


Edward Midford cried when he spotted them. Ciel looked at Aurora surprised, then said, "Bring her to the guest room." Aurora obeyed and the two teenage boys followed along behind her. After tucking the girl in, Ciel and Aurora returned to the drawing room while Edward watched over his sister. "Sebastian went to drop off something to Lady Sullivan," she said, "he should be back shortly." Ciel nodded, "What did you find in there?" Aurora sighed, "I couldn't go in, it was sickening to see all the blood. I took care of Elizabeth while Sebastian got the blood. We were unable to see the four with the names of the stars." Edward reentered the room then, "Why did you only bring back proof? Why not rid of it?" Aurora sighed, "There is no point in destroying the music hall. It is merely a symbol of the true intentions. Like how a church is for worship. If you destroy a church that does not destroy the religion." She went on, "It would be pointless. We could destroy the music hall, kill Blavat and the S4, but that would only intensify the zeal of the people. All we can do is work in the shadows and continue our current work." She frowned glancing at a nearby clock. "Strange. I've been back nearly an hour. Sebastian was only dropping off that satchel with Lady Sullivan. He should have been back by now." Ciel shrugged, "Maybe he found something more of use? Or is staying to wait for it to be analyzed?" Aurora nodded slowly, "Perhaps." She let out a small yawn and Ciel looked over at her, "You may go to bed, Aurora." Aurora nodded, "Thank you my lord. Goodnight." She yawned again and walked out of the room, making her way to her and Sebastian's room. She entered the room and shut the door behind her before she stripped out of her clothing. She got in the bath and bathed before pulling on a night gown and sitting down at her vanity to brush out her hair.

 She got in the bath and bathed before pulling on a night gown and sitting down at her vanity to brush out her hair

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She had nearly finished brushing her hair when she sensed Lady Elizabeth's departure. She sighed and shook her head. "Poor girl. Poor Ciel and Edward, does she not think they'll be heartbroken?"  She resumed her hair brushing when Ciel suddenly burst into the room, "Where is Sebastian?!" He demanded. Aurora looked over confused, "What? You mean he still isn't back? Have you tried phoning Lady Sullivan's residence?" Ciel nodded, "They said Sebastian never made it there." Aurora stood at once. "Where could he have gone?!" Ciel asked. Aurora knelt before him and removed his patch. It wasn't gone or dimmed in the slightest. "He's still alive, and on earth. If he weren't the seal would be gone or dimmed." She sighed and walked over to the wardrobe, "If you like I can go out and try to find him?" Ciel thought for a moment and shook his head. "No. Sebastian can handle himself. Can't he?" Aurora nodded, "He should be able to, yes. Maybe he ran into Grelle or his brother popped up for a visit."  Ciel nodded slowly. Aurora sighed, setting her brush down. "But at the same time it isn't like him to be late..." She bit her lip worriedly. Ciel looked over, "If you want to look for him your more than welcome to." Aurora nodded slowly, "That would be wise. Keep Agni by you until I return." Ciel nodded and left the room. Aurora quickly got up from her vanity and dressed.

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