His Butler & Maid, Hired

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The couple walked back to the carriage, hands swinging as they did. "I missed this," Aurora sighed, "Please- let's never fight again." Sebastian smiled, "I shall do my most to ensure that never happens." He looked lovingly at her, squeezing her hand. "I vow it."

She pulled him aside into the trees just short of the carriage, pulling him into her arms and kissing him passionately. Sebastian hummed, pinning her gently against a tree. "You know we haven't the time, my dear.." He murmured, still setting her leg around his hip. 

Aurora smiled, "Then just be quick..."

He smirked, leaning into her and pressing a long kiss to her lips. "As desirable as that sounds, love..." He slowly pulled away, dropping her leg back to the ground. "It will have to wait until later." He caressed her face, finger's softly kissing upon her skin, "I promise I will have you later."

Aurora giggled, kissing him on the nose. "I'll hold you to it."

They were quick then to climb back into the carriage, and it didn't take Ciel a moment to notice they were back on good terms. He could tell by the look in Sebastian's bright crimson- bright? Sebastian's eyes had always resembled a darker burgundy, Ciel thought- he noticed next Aurora's silver blue eyes had returned, no longer the dull grey they had been earlier. 

"Well?" Ciel asked. Sebastian sighed, "We failed to conduct a full circuit of the camp, we were interrupted." 

Ciel scoffed, "By yourselves or something else entirely?" Sebastian gave him as hit eating smirk, "Whatever do you mean my lord? Aurora and I simply acted as befitting any Phantomhive servants." Ciel growled in annoyance. "However," Aurora said, "We do have a request to make of you."

By the time they arrived at the town house, Ciel yawned and was whining about being tired when a blur of red, blue, purple and gold slammed into him. "Ciel!" Prince Soma cried, "Your back!" 

Ciel shoved him aside, "Out of my way." 

Soma complained, "But Ciel! Don't you want to play cards with me? Agni taught me a new game-" Ciel snapped then. "I'm bloody tired! Not stop bothering me!" Ciel stomped up the stairs like a petulant child. Sebastian and Aurora both with held chuckles, Ciel's attitude being that of a young child. 

Sebastian leaned down to the angel's level, "Perhaps you could wait in my room while I prepare the young master for bed, you do look awfully tired, my angel." Aurora hummed thoughtfully and wrapped her arms around Sebastian's neck, pulling him down a bit to her level. "I might take a bath first..." She smirked, "Promise to join me?" Sebastian smirked, "I wouldn't miss it for the world, my lady."

Aurora slipped into Sebastian's room at the townhouse, quickly stripping herself of her clothing before she walked into the en suite bath, pouring the water and checking it temperature before finally climbing in, reaching over for one of Sebastian's books on the side table. Romeo and Juliet. 

There were two copies, one with scribbled notes, clearly an original draft, and the other the published. She opted for the published, not wishing to wetten any of the pages in the original draft. She sighed, sinking into the bath, letting the hot water soothe every ache in her body.

"I see you've become quite comfortable," Sebastian teased entering the room whilst in the process of removing his clothing. Aurora smiled as he came over, tossing his tailcoat and waistcoat aside. She pulled him down by his tie, kissing him before she hummed happily, "I decided I should take advantage of the opportunity to bathe, considering we're going to be in a circus until further notice."

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