His Butler, Fulfilling His Duty & His Maid, Falling

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"You're becoming far to friendly with her." 

Ciel remarked as his butler helped him with his coat. Sebastian frowned, "Oh? In what way?" Ciel glared, "You're too close. It'll start looking scandalous if you don't put a stop to it. The last thing I need is for Aunt Francis to start looking for reasons to cut ties."

Sebastian sighed, "Aurora and I have been close for well over a millennia. It's only understandable we are close." Ciel stopped suddenly looking at him in horror. "You-" The demon's eyes flashed. "I have no idea what you're talking about."

Ciel hissed, "You know exactly what I'm going to ask. Don't you?" 

Sebastian glared, "Nothing untoward is happening. I assure you." 

Ciel glared at him coldly, "Then tell me you don't care for her. Tell me that she is nothing more than an ally." He stood, waiting for his butler's answer.

It never came.

"I should have known." Ciel grumbled, "I want her out. I didn't hire her so you could have  a toy to play with." Sebastian glared back, "Might we address this situation after we deal with the current case? We should hurry before the troupe decides to leave town."

Landing at Baron Kelvin's manor, Aurora shuddered, pulling her wings close. "Ugh. I can sense all the sin radiating from that place. It's making me sick. And we aren't even inside." Sebastian glanced back at her, "You can still go back and wait for us." She shook her head. "No. I'll be fine. I'll just have to swallow it back."

Ciel scoffed, rolling his eyes and striding forward. His cane rapped against the door in three strong knocks before Joker opened the door, a sullen look on his face. 

"Ah, Lord Phantomhive. Welcome."

The three of them entered, the door shutting behind them, leaving them in brief darkness before Joker lit a candle and sent the tiny flame crawling up wires and into the candelabras built up of mannequin parts. 

Aurora put a hand to her mouth and slid into place beside Sebastian. grasping his hand tightly, now wishing she had stayed behind. The demon squeezed her hand in reassurance, bringing her further into the manor. 

Ciel let Joker walk ahead and dropped back to walk in between his butler and maid. "We should capture Kelvin and uncover his motives before anything else." He murmured. Aurora shivered, shaking her head, "As much as this goes against my morals- I say we just slaughter the man and release the children."

The butler and master paused, staring at her in some shock. Sebastian frowned, noticing a darkened spot on her chin. He narrowed his eyes in suspicion. Ciel hummed, "Never thought I'd hear you say that."

The angel folded her arms over her chest, shifting uncomfortably where she stood. "I don't like the thought but the children are what matter more." 

Joker paused, looking back at them. "Ye coming, Black, Snow, Smile?" 

Ciel scoffed, "I am Earl Ciel Phantomhive, and I do not tolerate servants speaking to me so familiarly." The boy strode forward with the grace and poise of a nobleman, and Joker's eyes narrowed, but he opened the doors to where a table was set facing a small stage. 

Aurora went to follow, only for Sebastian to stop her. "You are getting worse. The same darkness on your hands-" She looked at him remorsefully. "I know." She squeezed his hand. "It doesn't matter now. We have to keep going." 

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