His Butler & Maid, Rescuing & Recuperating

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Aurora's white wings brought her to the America's. A large country manor in the Southern states to be precise. The country manor was befitting of an angel, and Aurora could scent the opposing Fallen and her mate. She gripped her father's rapier in her hand, her eyes flashed a violet rimmed by silver, and she marched up to the door and kicked it down. The manor was silent, not a sound was in the air. Aurora looked around, and was about to yell for Raphael to show himself, when she heard the sound of thrashing. With a frown, Aurora followed the sound, her rapier raised. She knew this was a trap, it was clearly obvious. Raphael was never a smart angel, always relying on someone else to help him. It was the reason Aurora had never liked the idea of being betrothed to such a weak angel. Aurora entered the basement cellar of the manor, the floor was made of cobblestone and resembled that of a dungeon. It was when she rounded the corner did she feel fear growing in the pit of her stomach and have to bite back the scream of horror. Sebastian was chained to the wall, clearly weakened and looking as if he were on the border of conscious and unconscious. Aurora looked both ways before making her way over to him. "Sebastian, Sebastian- answer me! Are you alright?" The demon did not answer, aside from a low moan of pain. He was covered in blood, most of it his own, and some of it Raphael's. He had put up a fight before being overpowered. Aurora cupped his face in her hand and her eyes searched his face desperately. "Malphas? Are you alright?" Her mate groaned, "You shouldn't have come here, Angelica... I could have-" His mate cut him off, "You've been missing for days. And you were replaced with an imposter." Sebastian growled, "Raphael..." Aurora shushed him, "Hush. Your safe now. I'm here. Let me heal you." She moved her wrist to her mouth and snapped her fangs down onto the tender flesh before putting her wrist to Sebastian's mouth. The demon lapped hungrily at her wrist, drinking up as much of her blood as he could. There was a dark chuckle, drawing them apart. "Well, well, well. I see you've found me out, Angie." Aurora narrowed her eyes, "Raphael." Raphael stepped out of the shadows, his white, black tipped wings dragging along behind him. "Angelica. My love."

Aurora glared, "I'm going to kill you for this." Raphael smirked, "Of course you will. I decided I might as well try." Aurora glared, "Why do such a thing if you knew you would lose?" Raphael smiled mockingly, "Because I knew it would cause you problems." He went on, "After all, you kissed me. You betrayed your mate." Aurora said nothing, but glared coldly. Raphael sighed, "You could have been happier with me, Angelica. You should have married me. We could have had lovely little arch's." Aurora suddenly ripped her rapier through his chest, shocking him. Aurora sighed, "I know you weren't finished with your monologue, but I'm quite bored. I am here for one reason only. And that is to rescue my mate and bring him home to our son." She twisted the blade in Raphael's chest, the Fallen Arch gasped in pain. Aurora removed the blade and kicked him to the floor, "I don't know how you bested Malphas. Your easier to defeat than the Undertaker's bizarre dolls." Raphael smiled, "Your demon was no easy fight, but I managed, with this!" He reached into his pocket and withdrew a vial. "This is the melted down substance of daemon decay. It is also mixed with a melted down death scythe. All I had to do was take him by surprise and force it down his throat." Aurora looked horrified. Then she made the decision. She could not dispose of Raphael and save her mate. She sheathed her rapier, spread her wings and snatched her mate up in her arms, ripped the chains from his body and then took flight. 

She arrived in Hell, carrying her mate's body as he leaned heavily on her. She brought him up to their room and laid him on the bed, then cut her wrist with a dagger before shoving it to his mouth. "Here, here, take my blood- take all that you need!" The angel's voice was desperate as she held her mate's face in her hand. Sebastian weakly obeyed, latching his mouth onto her wrist and began suckling. A few moments later the door was thrown open. "Sebastian!" Ciel cried running over to his butler's side. He looked at Aurora, his eyes wide and filling with tears he tried to force back. "What happened?!" Aurora's silver blue eyes were slightly dulled. "Raphael forced something called 'daemon decay' and a melted down death scythe down his throat." Stolas and Ilia stared in horror from the doorway. "Daemon decay is deadly, and a melted down death scythe combined with that could kill a demon easily. It's a wonder he's still alive and of sound mind." Aurora was growing weary from the amount of blood her mate was taking. Ilia walked over and helped her onto the bed beside Sebastian, the demon in question continuing to take his mate's blood to regain his strength. Ciel looked terrified, watching as Aurora began to grow tired. "Sebastian, sto-!" Stolas shook his head and pulled him away. "They'll be fine. Immortals cannot die from blood loss. It is only the poison that is harmful." Ciel watched and Aurora looked over weakly, "I'm fine Ciel. I'll be alright." Ciel was tense and couldn't move. Aurora gently lifted a hand and summoned the boy over. Ciel slowly walked over, and was a bit surprised when Aurora pulled him onto the bed beside her. She shushed him gently and pulled him close to her side. "Relax, Ciel. We are going to be fine. Sebastian might just need to rest for a few days." Sebastian finally removed his lips from his mate's bloody wrist with a small popping sound. He was wheezing and gasping for air, then laid back against his mate to close his eyes. Aurora held out her wrist to him in offering, but he grunted in response. "I don't.... Want to take... your blood..." Aurora gently pushed her wrist to his lips. "You need to gather your strength. Please, take whatever you need." Sebastian groaned and obeyed her, latching back on to finish. Aurora looked down at Ciel and curled her free arm around the boy. "Just give it a few days. I'm sure Sebastian will be just fine."

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