His Butler & Maid, Grieving

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Sebastian had surprised himself when he said those words. He knew Aurora and Stolas- and possibly even his father, would be shocked. But in those few moments as he prepared to make the announcement public, he saw the looked of adoration in his sister's eyes, and a near equal look in that of the Duke's. He couldn't let his sister pay for something that was his own quarrel. He cursed himself silently, being a demon with the ability to feel and understand human and angel emotion. Ilia tackled him in a hug after the announcement, "Thank you! Thank you so much Malphas!" Sebastian held his little sister close, silently hoping that he had made the right decision. "Of course, how could I deny my little sister anything?" Ilia giggled, "Careful Malphas! Your angelic side is showing!" His eyes flashed crimson and swirled with the dark fires of Hell. "I assure you, I have nothing of the sort, Ilia. Now go, be with your fiancé and arrange your wedding." Ilia squealed happily and ran off with Vapula. Stolas stared, "Malphas-" Sebastian turned, "Lady Angelica and I will be retiring for the night." He said not another word before starting to leave, pausing only to the Phantomhive staff. "Make sure the carriage is prepared to leave. We head towards the city at dawn." Bardroy, Mey-Rin, Snake, and Finny all nodded. Ciel was still off to the side. Sebastian's eyes fell on the boy and he held out his hand, "Come along, my lord. It is time for bed." Ciel yawned and followed him and Aurora upstairs. Sebastian was quiet, he put Ciel to bed and tucked the boy in before he brought him and Aurora back to their room. He immediately shed himself of his formal attire and into a set of dark silk pajamas before flopping down onto the bed in a matter of moments. Aurora was staring at him, silver blue eyes wide at his quick movements. "Well?" Sebastian's gruff growl caught her off guard and made her jump a bit, "Huh?" Sebastian growled, "Are you coming to bed or not?" Aurora nodded and moved quickly across the room to change into a night gown.

 "Well?" Sebastian's gruff growl caught her off guard and made her jump a bit, "Huh?" Sebastian growled, "Are you coming to bed or not?" Aurora nodded and moved quickly across the room to change into a night gown

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The nightgown was a simple white colored, and reached the floor. She undid her hair and put it into a long braid going down her back. She pulled the braid over her left shoulder before joining her mate in the bed and rolling over to look at him. His face was buried in the pillow. "Malph-" He cut her off, "I'm tired, Angelica. Go to sleep." She frowned and sat up, "Alright, what is it?" Her mate groaned, "Angelica..." Aurora spoke, "I don't know what's gotten into you. But if you think brooding about it is going to help you are sorely mistaking." She gently rolled him over to face her, "Please talk to me." She reasoned, "You cannot keep secrets from me Malphas. You've never been able to." She smiled and leaned down to kiss him, "At least tell me what it is that bothers you." He sighed and reached up to cup her face. "Darling, sometimes I wonder how I got so lucky to have you." Aurora smiled, "Easy. You listened to me." Sebastian pulled her face down to meet his for a moment before his lips parted gently from hers and their foreheads rested against each others. He sighed, "I have failed you." Aurora frowned, "Failed me? However so?" Sebastian held her close to his chest and she felt his breathing change to something a little more frantic. Something she never expected from him. "I allowed you to be hurt in the most worst way possible, and I allowed you to suffer in silence for it." His grip on her tightened. "I couldn't protect you. And I couldn't protect our child." Aurora's face fell as his voice cracked as he said that. His face buried into her collarbone, his lips against her skin, quaking with rare, very rare, emotion. When he spoke again, she was shocked at how meek he sounded. "Why do you think I'm overprotective? I have good reason to be! I've failed you and allowed you to be hurt!" Aurora tilted his chin up and her eyes widened in surprise to see his crimson red eyes leaking with tears. "Because I wasn't paying enough attention- I almost lost you! And because of me, the Undertaker took our child! It's my fault!" Aurora pulled him close, allowing him to cry into her bosom. "Malphas, I don't blame you for anything. You shouldn't blame yourself at all, my love." Her mate shook his head, "But-" Aurora sighed, "I love you, Malphas Desideriis. And i don't blame you for something you had absolutely no control over! And neither of us knew about the child until the moment it happened! The reason I tried to keep it from you was so that this wouldn't happen!" She took his face in her hands, "I knew you would blame yourself one way or another." She looked at him sadly. "I'm just as upset as you are about the baby, but we can't change what happened. We just have to deal with it and move on." She laid down on his chest and wrapped her arms around him. Sebastian tugged her into his arms and held her tightly. "I promise you, Angelica, I will never fail you again." Aurora smiled, "Even if you do, it won't change how I feel about you. I love you, for all eternity." Sebastian smiled and pulled one of her hand to his face and pressed a kiss onto her palm. "For all eternity, Malphas."

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