White Maid Cut Content- Book Of Circus Jealous/Angry Aurora

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Summary; Aurora instead of resting alongside Ciel after Sebastian talks down William- follows after Sebastian and stumbles upon the scene of Sebastian and Beast.

Reason for cut; Honestly, there was not really one. I had thought about making this be the main story, resulting in there being no proposal scene in Book of Atlantic. I just write the story as it comes to mind, or what ever I feel like. None of my stories are usually ever planned out in advance. As White Maid is technically a side project while I have writers block for my main works. Making this the main storyline would have made a massive difference. 

1) No romance scenes throughout Book of Atlantic

2) No miscarriage in Book of Atlantic

3) No wedding/mating

4) Bare minimum romance all the way to current Blue Revenge Arc

For these reasons, I started to opt against this storyline. I decided to make Aurora sort of forgive Sebastian in Book of Circus, purely because of their immortality, time is an important factor. Time for Sebastian and Aurora is forever. It has no real meaning. They are both immortal so they will be alive until the end of time unless killed as Claude was in season 2. She forgave him in the actual story only because she knew how incredibly sorry he was. And of course they have their prior history, backing up their romance. Having her made at him for an extended time because of Beast would make no sense. Hence why when she became a Fallen she was more so angry. (There will be a one shot going into what happened during the time of her transition to Fallen)


Aurora Magne marched away from William, she was trying not to let her emotions overtake her. 

"You are a half breed. Half Arch, half Fallen. Your no Arch. The rules for that don't apply to you. Your just as bad as that demon."

A piece of her heart broke at those words. The reaper who had often watched over her as a cherub said such a thing. Just as bad as a demon. Was she really? Tears began to well in the young angel's eyes and she hastily wiped them away, starting off in the direction Sebastian had gone. She frowned not seeing the demon. "Sebastian!" She yelled in a whisper. Her frown deepened when she was unable to find her beloved demon. "Where on earth could he have gone?" She murmured to herself, walking towards the first tier tents. She paused suddenly, her ears burning. "What in the name of- what is that?" She carefully crept towards the sound, a light was on in one of the tents. The source of the sound lay inside. Aurora looked both ways and then stepped close to the entrance, her eye peaking through before widening in horror. Her heart shattered into a million pieces. She began to breath heavily, frozen in her place. Malphas... Her Malphas. She stepped away her eyes wide and filling with tears. This was it. The ultimate betrayal. It took all she had not to scream and cry then. She put her hands over her mouth, stifling the sob threatening to escape. Was everything he had ever told her- everything that was between them, a lie? She walked out of the circus and sat on a rock in the forest, knees tucked to her chest as she hiccupped a sob. 

The tears flowed freely down her face. Could she even stay here? Stay in the same vicinity. She choked on her tears, suddenly a handkerchief was extended to her. She sniffled and looked up to see William. He frowned at her, but there was a hint of remorse in his eyes. She broke into tears and leapt into his arms, crying. William made no moves to comfort her. "Now you see." He said, "This is why your father wanted to keep you away from him. Demons are nothing but trouble. They lie, cheat, and steal. They are everything you are not." Aurora sniffled, hugging him tighter. "W-William...." The reaper shushed her quietly, "Hush." Aurora sniffled, pulling away from the embrace.  "I- I want to go home, William. I want to go home." William frowned, "You are aware you may not be accepted by the other angels, correct?" Aurora wiped her eyes, "I- I-" 

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