His Butler, Guardian & His Maid, Endangered

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"Where have you been?!" Ciel asked his butler and maid as they entered his room to help him tidy up his clothes, "Terribly sorry, milord." Aurora said, "it won't happen again." Ciel sighed, "I should hope not. This isn't exactly a holiday. We're still on a job for the queen." Sebastian tied the boy's tie and smiled, "There. Now young master, shall we go join your fiancé and family for breakfast?"

Sebastian and Aurora were standing nearby at all times, ready to serve their master and the Midfords. Paula stood awkwardly alongside them. Lizzie ended up dragging Ciel to several events on board, Sebastian, Aurora and Paula followed the children around to each activity. Sebastian was not thrilled to be in the sun all day, and Aurora was finding quite a bit of humor in it. Paula was serving Ciel and Elizabeth some lemonade and Aurora took the chance to tease her demon. "Enjoying the sunshine, Sebastian?" The demon narrowed his eyes, "I'm not fond of it." Aurora giggled, "Yes, the brooding demon is used to the darkest shadows. Don't worry, I believe the next activity is indoors." Sebastian smirked, "The only  activity I would like to do is in our room." Aurora blushed furiously and was quiet. Sebastian chuckled softly to himself, "Would you not agree, Aurora? Was it not you who stated I was simply one hell of a lover?" Aurora shot him a look, "You best not let Paula or Lady Elizabeth hear you say that, if they did it would be detrimental to both us and the young lord." There was a chuckle from behind them, "Oh yes, your relationship getting out would be terrible." They turned and Aurora grinned to see Lucian. "Lucian!" She greeted, "What are you doing here? Are you on oath?" The angel shook his head, "no. I actually have some bad news." Aurora's face fell, "What kind of bad news?" Lucian sighed, "A certain vengeful arch angel has escaped the Lilum. I'm here to warn you of Gabriel attacking you. I would advise staying on your guard, he was last seen in London. But when he found out about your holiday, he disappeared." Aurora looked terrified. "You  mean..." She trailed off, her voice shaky. "He's going to kill me?" Lucian nodded, "That's what the council is afraid of." Sebastian looked over, "How did he escape the Lilum? It's near impossible to evade them." Lucian frowned, "Your ex mate heard Aurora's angelic cry of grief. It echoed throughout parts of Heaven and Hell. You gave everyone quite a shock, Lord Malphas. The Demon Angel would have come up herself, but she's overseeing something to do with demon wars." Sebastian looked shocked, "Demon wars?!" Lucian nodded, "Fights have broken out among demons, and because their Lord isn't there they've been reckless. I wouldn't worry, Lucifer calmed them, he's assisting Lady Lust Lucia in soothing them." Sebastian pulled Aurora to his side protectively, "Should I anticipate the King of Hell visiting me?" Lucian shrugged, "I couldn't say, Lord. But he wasn't too thrilled when he discovered your relationship to Angelica." Lucian looked over, "How are you doing? Have you checked your wings? To see if you've truly Fallen?" Aurora looked at the floor and Sebastian answered for her. "Her eyes are demonic. Rimmed with an angelic silver. I would say she's Fallen, but I don't know for sure. I'd need to take her to the Isle of Death to test her demonic powers." Aurora shook her head, "No. I don't ever want to go back there after what happened with Claude! You know how horrified I was!" Sebastian sighed, "Aurora- you do realize your not the same angel you were before." Lucian nodded in agreement, "You know the Fall changes that." Aurora frowned, "That doesn't go for me. My mother gave birth to me as a Fallen. I would have some tolerance." Sebastian nodded, "That is probably why your eyes are rimmed silver instead of all demonic." He looked back to where Ciel and Elizabeth were playing shuffleboard, "With the current case this could prove a problem." Aurora looked concerned, "What do we do?" Lucian smiled, "Arch Angel Uriel has requested I remain by your side as your guard, Lady Angelica. I am your sword and your shield." Sebastian narrowed his eyes, "I can protect Angelica perfectly fine on my own." Aurora looked at Lucian, "I wouldn't mind if you stayed near. Just... a safe distance away. Patrol the ship for Gabriel." Lucian gave her a nod, "Certainly. I'll leave you alone with your demon." They watched him begin to walk away, but he paused. "Lord Malphas," he said, "Do expect a visit from the Raven or your former mate. They were both quite shaken by the word of your death." He gave the couple a wave and a smile before walking off. Aurora was terrified. "Sebastian." She whispered, "What do we do? Gabriel-" Sebastian cut her off with a quick kiss when no one was looking, "I assure you, if Gabriel makes himself known I will protect you." Aurora shook her head, "No." He looked surprised for a moment. Aurora's eyes were fierce and cold as she spoke her next words. "I want you to teach me how to defend myself. I can't always rely on you to rescue me. You have Ciel. And he comes first. We both know that. We are both bound to him. And my oath to him is as a guardian. I need to be ready to give my life for him should it come to it." Sebastian sighed, "Aurora- we can't train you here. Trust me and Lucian to protect you if Gabriel does come. I'm sure-" Ciel called out suddenly, "Sebastian! Aurora! Come along!" Sebastian put a hand on his angel's shoulder, rubbing comfortingly, "I promise you we will both be fine." He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before starting after the young master. Aurora sighed and followed after as well.

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