The Butler & Maid, Switched

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"He even rejected Sebastian and Aurora. What in the world has come over the young master?" Bardroy hummed, "Wonder why he didn't lash out at Finny though." Sebastian had a frown on his face and was deep in thought. "What will you do now, Sebastian?" Tanaka asked. Sebastian sighed, "There is not much I can do. The young master has ordered me not to touch him so I cannot tend to him. I will ask Lady Sullivan for advice when she awakens." He looked to the other servants, "You should all get some rest. There is something I must see to." Sebastian started out of the room, leaving Aurora with Mey-Rin. Aurora's eyes widened and she ran after him. "Sebastian!" She tackled him in the hall way, sending him crashing to the ground. "Don't you dare go out there!" She sobbed, "Please! I beg of you!" Sebastian sighed and held her close, "Angelica." His voice was a soft murmur, "I am fine. That thing cannot hurt me." Aurora whimpered and held him closer. "Don't lie to me." Her voice cracked, "You were bleeding." Sebastian sighed and lifted her into his arms, "Very well. I see I'll have to bring you with me." Aurora whimpered and held onto him tighter. "I never want to be without you. Your never straying more than five feet away from me, do you understand?!" Sebastian nodded, "Completely."

They moved briefly to the forest where they found nothing of use, Sebastian plucking a plant of some sort and pocketing it before they returned to the Emerald Castle. Once there the couple retreated to the kitchen and began to prepare a brunch of sorts for Lady Sullivan. Aurora's cooking was slow and quiet, not like the usual upbeat nature it usually was. Sebastian walked over and gently tugged her away from the food to see her crying quietly to herself. He sighed and kissed her, "Why don't you go back to bed? You look exhausted." Aurora sniffed and wrapped her arms around him. "No. Not without you." He sighed, "Why don't you go bring some porridge up to Ciel? Maybe a cup of warm milk and honey?" Aurora nodded and slowly took the tray he had set aside. The angel walked up to the young earl's room and knocked on the door. Finny opened it and she looked at him hopefully, "Is he doing any better?" Finny frowned, "No. You had best stay out, Aurora. Sorry." He took the tray from her and quickly closed the door. Aurora stared blankly at the door before making her way to her and Sebastian's room where she changed into a flowy dress that resembled something less put together.

She heard a sudden crash and yelling and ran to the dining room where Wolfram had Sebastian by the collar of his shirt

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She heard a sudden crash and yelling and ran to the dining room where Wolfram had Sebastian by the collar of his shirt. "Get off him!" She screamed, racing to push the man off her mate. Wolfram shoved her off eventually sending her to the floor. Sebastian growled, "I would appreciate it if you would refrain from laying hands upon my wife." Sieglinde snapped at Wolfram and the man released the butler. Aurora quickly rushed over to her husband and began to fix his clothes while he carried on the conversation. "Only you can break the curse." Sebastian said, Sieglinde nodded, "Indeed." Sebastian knelt down, and Aurora watched as he offered up his services until Ciel was healed. Sieglinde smiled, "Very well. I shall take both you and Aurora on as my butler and maid until Ciel is healed."

"NO!" Ciel screamed chucking a pillow at the demon butler, "No! Don't touch me! DON'T TOUCH ME!!!!" Sebastian backed away slowly, "Ciel- you must not be so unruly. It is not good for your health!" Aurora gently pushed past him and carefully approached Ciel. "Ciel. Ciel, it's alright." She hummed softly, only to have a pillow thrown at her and be screamed at again. Sebastian quickly pulled them both out of the room and sighed, "He's refused us again." Aurora looked longingly at the boy's bedroom. "Malphas..." Her voice was a soft whisper and her mate looked over, she looked up at him. "When we have children, will we have to see this happen? Ever?" Sebastian sighed, "I couldn't say." Aurora shuddered. She didn't know if she could ever bare the thought of seeing her own child hurt in such a way. Sebastian was standing in front of a mirror and sighed, "While I'm not quite sure how fast humans recover, surely it must be about time now." In a blink of an eye, Sebastian's skin was back to it's usual perfect self. He looked over at his mate and held out his arm. "Darling? Shall we?" Aurora nodded and linked her arm with his, joining him to the kitchen where three women were. "Hello everyone." Sebastian and Aurora greeted. They were met with a bright hello from the Phantomhive servants, but the three women said nothing. Wolfram spoke, "These women from the village usually come and dress my lady and such things for her." Aurora noticed Sebastian's eyes rake over the three women and upon seeing them she immediately felt insecure. Hilde was a woman worthy of becoming a demoness, Grete was just... well a little dark in her opinion, and Anne looked too much like herself, aside from a rather robust chest. Aurora's gaze turned to the ground and she bit her lip, finding herself unable to look anywhere but the cracks in the floor. Sebastian delivered out the duties and then got to Finny. "Finny, you and Aurora will be seeing to the young master." Aurora's eyes widened, "Sebastian-" He glanced down at her and his gentle glare silenced her. Finny fumbled over his words. Sebastian sighed, "Your the only one as of now who can take care of him. If you need help Aurora will be there to help." Aurora rambled, "Sebastian- perhaps I should be with the other women- Lady Sullivan-" Sebastian frowned, "There is no need. Besides, you are most comfortable around Ciel. Are you not?" Aurora sighed and went with Finny. When they got to the room, Aurora stayed off towards the back while Finny served Ciel a bit of porridge. Ciel whimpered and shook his head. Aurora sighed and approached slowly with the glass of warm milk and honey. She knelt beside the bed and held it out to him, Here." She murmured, "It's warm milk and honey. It'll help soothe your nerves and it'll make you feel better. I promise." Ciel didn;t move for a moment, then slowly, shakily reached out to take the glass from her. Aurora smiled as he drank the milk and honey. She hummed a bit, "Do you feel any better, Ciel? Do you remember anything more?" Ciel shook his head and whimpered. Aurora sighed, "Then rest, mon petit seigneur." Ciel looked up, "Will you stay?" Aurora's heart melted at the desperate look in the child's eye. She nodded, "Oh Ciel... You needn't ask. I will always be here for you. You need only to call for me and I will be there." Ciel hummed and laid down. "Okay..."

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