His Butler & Maid, Colleagues

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"Why would he be here?" Aurora asked Sebastian after Ciel had left with Dagger. "It makes no sense unless the circus is involved."

Sebastian frowned, "Darling, even if that is the case, we can't use that as proof." 

Aurora sighed, "Something here makes me sick." 

Sebastian smiled, "Well we can fix that, my dear." Aurora smirked, "Ciel was right, you are a sex addict."

His face fell as she walked towards William. "The young master said what? Angelica? Darling? Did he really say that?"

Aurora giggled as he rushed up to catch her hand. "My, are you embarrassed?" She teased, "Did I actually manage to embarrass you?"

Sebastian hummed, pulling her body close against his and leaning close to her, "If you keep up with this behavior..." He raised his voice so a couple of people nearby could overhear. "I'll have to punish you."

His angel's face blossomed a bright red and she gently punched him in the arm, "That was uncalled for."

Sebastian smirked, "It's called revenge, dearest."

Aurora hummed, "I thought you said revenge was petty, mon amour?"

He kissed her on the cheek with a chuckle, "Did I?" 

Aurora squeezed his hand, kissing his cheek in turn. "I love you, you silly man." 

A short while later they were all stood outside behind the tents. Aurora smiled sweetly, "Will! Whatever are you doing here? Are you working as well?" The reaper's eyes were soft when they looked at her, then narrowed as he noticed Sebastian coming up from behind her, the demon settling his hands upon her hips. 

The reaper pushed up his spectacles. "I'm unfortunately being forced into field duty after a certain prat in the in the Retrieval Division while he is suspended." Sebastian smirked, hands tightening around his lover's hips. "What business do you have here, reaper?" He inquired. William glared at him, "Why would I divulge such information to you?" 

Aurora frowned and turned to find Sebastian's red eyes glowing that demonic reddish pink. "I assure you, I have no interest in 'cheap souls'." 

Aurora's eyes widened briefly as bits of his demon form began to reveal themselves, the pointed teeth, the wickedly Glasgow like smile, and deepened voice. "After all, the hungrier one is, the more satisfying his dinner." 

She shuddered at that.

William noticed, "You shouldn't speak like that around Angelica." He pointed out, "Angels can't bear the thought of devouring souls. It damages them. It could make them fall." Aurora shook her head, "William. I'm fine. There's no need to say such things." William glared, "Are you really going to let this devil make you fall?" 

Aurora glared, "He wouldn't. Would you Sebastian?" She smiled lovingly at her demonic lover who looked taken aback by the fact the mere mention devouring souls could harm and angel. "Is it true, Angelica?" He asked, "The mere mention of devouring souls harms angels?" Aurora sighed, "No... I don't think so. I just don't like that you'll devour Ciel's soul. It..." 

She trailed off unsure of what to say next, but when her eyes blinked Sebastian noticed the quickly fading silver to gray. He sighed and walked over, pulling her into his embrace, "I apologize my angel, I didn't know speaking of dinner upset you so greatly." 

She shook her head, "What? What are you talking about? It upsets me, but it doesn't hurt me." William frowned, "Angelica, you were unaware of your angelic powers?" Aurora frowned, "I'm perfectly well aware." William glared, "Do you know your weaknesses? Fire? Emotion? Sleep? Humanity? Love? Exorcism? Sigils? Witches? Reaper scythes? And most importantly- falling?" 

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