White Maid Oneshot #18

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Summary; Sebastian's full reaction to seeing Aurora again after centuries of believing her dead.

Set; Season 1

Je t'aime, Je t'aime Toujours

He wouldn't have believed it if he hadn't seen it himself. He'd heard the soft, gentle voice from behind him as he opened the door for his master.

"Monsieur Undertaker...?"

Sebastian had turned and his burgundy brown eyes flashed crimson.

Her. It was...

The woman was dressed in a white peasant skirt, a brown shawl and a black corset of sorts. Her wavy light blonde tresses, her snow white skin, her silver blue eyes.

Her. It was undeniably her.

His angel.

He fought against his urges. He wanted nothing more than to pull her into his arms and let all his walls down. He wanted to cry, scream, he wanted to kill her yet at the same time he wanted to throw her down against his bed and have his way with her. His eyes had a soft red glow as he watched her.

An accident you say?

Oh my love, my sweet, sweet angel... I am so sorry I wasn't there to aid you in you time of need.

He watched her explain her accident to his young master, hurt flashing for just a moment in his eyes after she looked at him.

Is that fear I smell on you, my dear? You have no need to fear me, love. You know that.

Don't you?

There was fear. Undeniable fear in her eyes.

She couldn't walk. Not far anyways. Sebastian noticed the limo in her step. Had his master not offered, he most certainly would have. His angel was leaning heavily on the Undertaker. An action that had the demon seething with jealousy. The reaper knew well that his closeness to the demon's angelic lover infuriated the said demon.  Sebastian moved forward to embrace her gently in his arms. He noticed her flinch as his hand settled near her wing sheathe.

"Apologies, my lady. Does it hurt to touch you there?" Aurora nodded sheepishly.

Ah. So you are injured, my love. Then have no fear- allow me to mend you.

He noticed how afraid of him she was. It felt like a harsh punch from his brother or his twin sister. He wanted nothing more than for his past lover to fall back into his arms, swooning over him and practically begging him to stay by her side.

They came to the sight of the wreck. His little black heart broke at the sight of it.

Oh darling, what must have happened to drive you from your home?

He saw a bloodied feather held up by his master. In his arms, Aurora tensed.

Oh my... my beloved amoure- have they clipped your beautiful wings? For what reason? Certainly it could not have been for our past love- this is far too recent.

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