His Butler & Maid, Worried & Jealous

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After Aurora eventually fell asleep, Sebastian stood and dressed, making his way to Ciel's office. He knocked on the door and heard the boy's response. "Enter." He slipped inside, shutting the door behind him, Ciel had his back to him as he was looking out the window. "What is it, Aurora?" Sebastian smirked, "Unfortunately I am not my mate, my lord." Ciel spun around in his chair, eyes widened a bit at the sight of his butler. "Sebastian? Shouldn't you be resting? I thought your wounds were just as bad as the Campania?" Sebastian licked his lips, "Feeding off the blood of my mate speeds up the healing process." He chuckled, "Somehow I managed to get my lovely angel to bring me a few souls to get my strength back up." Ciel looked shocked, "What?!" Sebastian looked over, "Animal souls, you needn't worry my lord." He frowned then, "But in mention of my mate, I am unsure she's going to be very helpful at the moment." Ciel looked confused. "Why? She's not hurt from letting you take her blood, is she?" Sebastian shook his head, "None of the sort, my lord. She is just worried, fearing I will die during the contract. I suggest if we need to go anywhere that may require a battle, Aurora remain behind." Ciel frowned, "Can't you speak to her about it? You being in a fight is inevitable." Sebastian nodded slowly, "I have tried. She seems adamant about ensuring my safety. She fears an eternity alone." Ciel nodded slowly, "Well-" He was cut off when they heard the sound of a frightened and heartbroken shriek down the hall.

The two of made their way down the hall to Sebastian and Aurora's room. When they entered the room, they found the angel on the bed, knees tucked to her chest and wings curled around her body like a safety barrier and shaking. Sebastian frowned and walked over, resting a hand on one of her outstretched feet. "Angelica. Darling, you needn't need to worry. I'm right here. I just had to step out for a minute." Aurora whimpered, "I- I woke up and you were gone..." Sebastian sat on the edge of the bed and pulled her to his side, "I told you before, I'm not going anywhere." Aurora threw herself into his arms with a small sob. "Don't ever do that again! Tell me where your going before you do anything! You scared me!" Sebastian sighed and held her close, allowing her to cry into his chest. Ciel stared in disbelief. He couldn't believe this. He finally sighed, "Aurora- Sebastian is fine. Just because one angel bested him once does not mean he's on death's door. If he was- would there not have been a grim reaper present?" The angel snapped at him, "You don't know how it feels to almost lose the one you love! What if Lady Elizabeth was kidnapped and dying?! What if she was one of the people they were taking blood from?! What if they killed her?! What would you do then?!" She broke back into sobs and held tightly to the demon butler's shirt. Both Ciel and Sebastian stared in shock. Ciel cleared his throat. "I think I'll take my leave. Goodnight." The boy turned around and left the room, returning to his office.

Some time later, Sebastian entered to bring him to bed. "Time for bed, Ciel." The boy huffed in response and carried on filling out papers. Sebastian narrowed his eyes, "Ciel. It's time for bed. If you don't get to sleep now, you'll be in a dreadful mood come morning." The young earl yawned, "But I need to..." Sebastian watched as the boy yawned then went back to sleepily signing papers. He walked over to glance over his shoulder, "My lord- might I ask whatever are you doing this late into the evening?" Ciel hummed sleepily, "Finding out how to best the S4 and Spehere Music Hall." Sebastian nodded, "And I presume you've discovered the means on how to defeat them?" Ciel nodded and pushed the paper over to him. "I've purchased the building across the street. I'll be making 'Funtom Music Hall', the competition." Sebastian nodded, going over the building plans. "I see." Ciel yawned, "Anyways, I need to finish the paperwork to make the transfer of ownership official." Sebastian watched as the boy yawned and bent down, "Ciel. Allow me to finish the paperwork. You must go to sleep. Your beyond exhausted." Ciel looked up sleepily and nodded. "Okay..." the boy stood on shaky legs, having been sitting for hours. Sebastian watched him walk lazily, his feet dragging a bit as the boy walked out of the study, followed by his obedient butler. Ciel walked, closed his eyes for a brief moment before when he opened them found himself being carried like a small child by Sebastian. The demon was gently rubbing the boy's back as he carried him with a small hum. Ciel would have objected, but he couldn't find the strength. Suddenly he was a child again, being carried by his father to his bedroom after an asthma attack. He curled closer to his father and sighed, inhaling the familiar scent of his father's clothing. Ciel closed his eyes, listening to the soft foot falls of his father. He heard the door to his bed chambers open, then felt his father laying him down to sleep. Ciel curled into his bedsheets, opening his eyes. The vision of Vincent Phantomhive was before him, quickly fading into that of Sebastian Michaelis. The demon blew out the candelabra, noticed the boy wake briefly, and then smiled and ruffled his hair a bit.
"Goodnight, Ciel."

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