White Maid Oneshot #26

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Summary; Sebastian is concerned about Aurora after discovering what happened on the Campania.

Set; Just after Weston Arc.


She had been in a mood since the ship went down in the Atlantic. Sebastian had noticed that much, he'd thought she was merely afraid of losing him, or afraid of the premise of death being a very real thing. He had tried to distract her, he had reminded her of their engagement, trying to brighten her mood. He knew she was happy to be engaged to him, that much was obvious, but there would be those few moments he'd see her toying with the engagement ring on her finger, making him wonder if there was something more that was wrong. When he'd unintentionally discovered what she was upset about from the Undertaker, he felt a bolt of fear and horror and dread rake through him. He had wanted to scream. How could he have not known? He should have pieced it together, he'd just shrugged every symptom off as being an effect of her becoming a Fallen. He should have thought things through, granted he had been under the impression he was infertile, and even when Stolas revealed the truth to him he had been too tired from the extent of his wounds to think clearly. He worried now as he watched her sleep that he had done something. He should have known. And she, even after discovering what happened, hadn't told him. 

Aurora had kept the pain of losing their child to herself. She wasn't going to tell him unless he found out. Had the reaper not said anything, he would have never known. There was a burning feeling of betrayal running through the demon's veins. As far as he was aware, Aurora had never lied to him. Now, he was questioning everything. He had always believed angels incapable of lying, yet that had been proven wrong when Ash told him Aurora was dead so many years ago. His new mate began to stir in bed, and she slowly woke up. Sebastian remained where he was, quiet as he watched her. "You've been sleeping for hours." He said, startling her as he spoke. Aurora's silver blue gaze shot towards him. "Malphas?" She murmured. Sebastian stepped out of the shadows, eyes cold, hurt flashing in them briefly. "Are you feeling any better, my dear?" Aurora  groaned and rubbed her head, "A bit... I just... I...." She trailed off and leaned against the headboard. Sebastian watched her emotionlessly. He had every right to be angry. She had kept this secret from him. He had kept their child secret from him. 

Aurora fell silent, not saying anything. Sebastian grit his teeth, "Do you need anything?" Aurora shook her head slowly. "No...." Sebastian narrowed his eyes, "Very well then." He turned to leave and Aurora looked alarmed, "What?! Where- where are you going!" She threw herself at him, tears in her eyes. Sebastian glared at her emotionlessly. She looked pathetic. Aurora's lower lip wobbled and she choked on her tears. "Malphas... Malphas please don't leave me... Please..." Sebastian frowned, "I'm afraid I must tend to the young master. I will return later." He turned and left, leaving her alone in the room. Aurora began hyperventilating. He was angry. He was angry at her. He despised her, the way he looked at her with those cold emotionless eyes... Tears ran down her cheeks, it was her own fault. She hadn't told him. She hadn't wanted him to know. She dropped to her knees, sobbing quietly, she had lied to him. She knew how he was he hated liars. And now his mate was something he hated. Aurora gasped, what if he wanted to break their bond? What if he left her? She looked down at her wedding and engagement rings. He was going to leave her. She felt anger rise within her and in a fit of rage, removed both rings from her finger and put them on the dresser, rolling over to not face them. She hiccupped small sobs. He wouldn't want her. How could he? She couldn't carry his child, she had lost his child, his heir... Aurora was crying silently when the door was thrown open violently, Sebastian was panting and his eyes had a crazed looked to them. He moved to her side and rolled her over, looking confused when he found her breathing. 

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