White Maid One Shot #37

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Summary; Grelle watches Sebastian fall in love from afar

Set; Just after Aurora's arrival at Phantomhive Manor, Hamlet OVA- Campania


Grelle had heard it from Undertaker. About the angel. Instantly jealous, the red grim reaper kept an eye on their obsession. Grelle watched with bright chartreuse eyes as the demon practically drooled over the blonde angel. Grelle was furious. Watching Sebastian fall in love with this tramp. The reaper hated the demon's subtle flirts to the angel, hated how he would offer to dance with her and pull her close to his body. The demon had eyes only for her. And it broke Grelle's little heart. Grelle wanted to scream, rip their own red hair out of their skull. What was so special about her? What made her perfect? What made her his perfect match? Grelle demanded to know. Then the reaper saw the beautiful blonde flirting back. And it only got worse when the angel regained her memories. She and Grelle's beloved Bassy were inseparable. Grelle watched them dance together during the play the couple's young master put on. Romeo and Juliet. How quaint. Grelle watched from the sidelines, heart breaking as the pretty blonde captivated the demon's heart. Grelle caught them sharing quick kisses in the dressing room. Grelle wanted to scream. Why her? Why? What made Aurora Magne the demon's perfect match? 

"Something is different than it was before... now that it's  intimate.... I want more..."

Grelle could hear every note of their duet.

"Whenever your close, wherever you go- I want to be near...."

Grelle grit their teeth.

"The deal was proposed... But I didn't know just how I'd feel..."

So this wasn't all some romance? What was it then?

Grelle watched as Sebastian dipped his lover, caressing her, the demon's crimson eyes held nothing but love for the blonde angel. The other members of the cast watched the display briefly, the couple keeping their voices too quiet for the human ears. 

"You'd be the artist and I'd be the brush..."

"I'd be the artist..."

Grelle stared at them. They were in perfect sync, perfect everything. Why? Grelle watched Sebastian spin his lover around and then the blonde looked at him with a look of utter happiness. 

"We could escape... coloured in green, gilded in gold...."

Undertaker leaned over, also hearing the couple's duet. "They're childhood friends. You didn't realize?" Grelle said nothing. Watching the couple. Sebastian was holding her close now, dancing with her, the two of them looking into each other's eyes intensely.

"I lose control whenever..."

Lose control? Grelle could see that. Sebastian looked as if he might ravish his lover right then and there. The demon had his arms around his lover, holding her flush against his chest. Aurora murmured something to him, the demon murmured back and pulled away from her, a look of longing in his eyes. Grelle left the theatre with Will, mood deflated. "What is wrong with you, Grelle?" Will asked in a curt manner, "You aren't usually this depressed." Grelle sniffled. "Bassy...." Will sighed, "The demon?" Grelle growled in annoyance and kicked a stone. "Who does that blonde harlot think she is?! Stealing my Bassy from me?!" Will paused, raising an eyebrow. "You mean the angel he's with? His companion?" Grelle snarled, "Who else?! Who does that witch think she is?!" Will frowned. "My honourary niece and daughter." Grelle stiffened. "Who is she?" Will sighed, "Her human name is Aurora Magne. However, her birth name is Lady Angelica Aurora Laverne-Magne. Daughter of the Arch Angel Michael Laverne and Demon Angel Lucia Magne. She was exiled from the Silver City after her father's murder, being accused as his killer. She met the demon not long after that." Grelle pressed as Will continued walking. "But there must be more! Come on Will! You must know something more! The Undertaker said they were childhood friends!" Will sighed, tripping the other reaper with his scythe. "Very well." He obliged reluctantly. "Many, many years ago, when Sebastian and Aurora were young, about the age of their young master, they met for the first time." Grelle stared, "They were betrothed?" Will sighed and shook his head, "Let me finish." The reaper's eyes seemed to glaze over in an especially cold look as he told the story. "As I said, they met for the first time. It was purely accidental as far as I am aware. Aurora was being a bit rebellious and wanted to see what the human realm was like. Instead, she found a demon." Will pushed his glasses up and cleared his throat, "Thankfully, she didn't have her soul stolen." 

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