His Butler & Maid, A Friendly Competition

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Aurora was not thrilled at all, and neither was Vermilla. They could both agree on this and only this. They watched front heir respective places at the table, Vermilla and Aurora both were looking down, head resting on a hand propped up on the table. Stolas and Sebastian were going back and forth. 

"I can do anything better than you, 'Lordship'."

"I'd like to see you try, Stolas."

"You've always been a sore loser, Malphas. Let your little brother have some fun for once, hmm?"

"Very well, shall we make a wager?" 

The entire household- including the Phantomhive staff, were all watching the fencing duel between Sebastian and Stolas. Aurora and Vermilla watched on with annoyed and tired looks. "How long are they going to do this, Vermilla?" Aurora asked. Vermillla shrugged, "Demon competitions sometimes last years. Most last up to three weeks." Aurora sighed, "We don't have that kind of time..." She called out, "Malphas! I hope you plan on winning sometime soon!" Sebastian looked back at her, easily fending off his brother's blows with the sword. "Don't worry darling! I assure you I will win. Stolas tends to tire quickly." As he said that, Stolas began huffing and puffing. Vermilla snapped, "Stolas! Get your ass in gear! If you don't win I swear i will leave you!" Stolas chuckled, "You heard the lady brother. My mate wishes my victory. Aurora yelled out then. "Beat his sorry ass, Malphas! I've seen you take on an Arch and win! This pip squeak should be a piece of cake!" Sebastian looked a little surprised at her harsh wording, but chuckled, "Well, you heard my mate. I shall easily beat you, Stolas. As I have since we were fledglings." Stolas smirked, "You may try."

Ciel was beside Aurora as they watched Sebastian fight his brother. Ciel had a forlorn look on his face as he watched the two demon brothers. Sebastian laughed at his brother, pushing him back, "Always use the same moods, Stolas! How you ever best anyone shocks me!" Stolas smirked, "I think I've a few tricks up my sleeve, Malphas." Sebastian's eyes flashed demonically, "You know no one has ever truly best the Devil's Crow so why try?" Aurora sighed, "I swear I'm going to have to drag him away at some point." Vermilla smirked, "Malphas is the Lord of Lust, I imagine the only place he'll let you drag him is the bedroom." Aurora hummed, "Oh he'll listen if I call him. He always does." Vermilla chuckled, "Yes, of course. Though I must ask, is it true what they say? About his Lordship?" Aurora looked confused, "Is what true?" Vermilla smirked, "Rumors in hell have always said that his Lordship, Prince Malphas is an absolute beast between the sheets. So is he that good?" Aurora blushed, "I- I uh, umm..." Vermilla hummed in satisfaction, "I will take that as a yes." Aurora glanced down at Ciel. "Are you alright, Ciel?" Ciel nodded, but said nothing. Aurora frowned. "he had been quiet. Too quiet. She looked at Vermilla, "I'm going to put Ciel to bed, let me know if I miss anything." Vermilla waved her hand, "Yes, yes. Take your time." Aurora bent down and picked up Ciel, carrying him to his bedroom where she laid him down on the bed and tucked him in. "Are you alright, Ciel?" She asked again. Ciel nodded. Quiet again. Aurora sighed and got up, moving to leave. "Aurora." Ciel's mall voice stopped her. "Yes?" She asked. Ciel was looking at her with wide sad eyes. "Would you stay here... Just until I fall asleep?" Aurora nodded, "Of course, Ciel."

It wasn't too long before Aurora rejoined the others. Finny and Snake had retired, leaving just Mey-Rin and Bardroy to accompany the festivities. Bard was staring agape at Sebastian's skill with a sword, while Mey-Rin was rooting for Sebastian to win. Vermilla looked over as Aurora approached. "Where have you been? I thought you were only putting the kid to bed." Aurora nodded, "I was. He just asked me to stay until he fell asleep." Vermilla scoffed, "This is why Stolas and I will never have fledglings. They're just too much work." Aurora frowned, "How long have you been mated to Stolas?" Vermilla hummed, "nearly a century." She looked at Aurora, "How about you and Malphas, will you be having fledglings?" Aurora smiled, "One day. Until then we have Ciel." Vermilla chuckled, "Yes... Lucifer did say he liked the fire in that boy when you brought him to Hell. But I haven't seen any of that demonic flare in the entire day." Aurora frowned, "He's had a rough few days, Vermilla. His dead twin brother was resurrected and took everything from him. He's barely spoken more than a few sentences since we left the Phantomhive Manor." Vermilla scoffed, "Typical of  a human child. They're weak." Aurora frowned again at that and turned her gaze to watch the two demon brother's fight, a smile gracing her face as Sebastian won. "I'd say best twelve out of twelve?" Sebastian teased. Stolas huffed, "You never played fair, Malphas." Sebastian chuckled and walked over to lace his arm around his mate's waist to pull her close to his side. He frowned when he noticed Ciel's absence. "Where is the little lord?" He asked. Aurora kissed his cheek, "Retired for bed already. He was half asleep so I took him upstairs. He was out in minutes." Sebastian smiled and dipped his head to kiss her. "You are far too attached to that boy," Stolas remarked, his arm twined with that of Vermilla's. Sebastian raised an eyebrow in silent warning for his brother to shut up, and Stolas quickly changed the subject, "What next brother, croquet? Chess?" Sebastian smirked, "Why not wine tasting? It is quite late and I'm sure my angel will want to retire to our quarters soon." Stolas hummed, "Of course." He lead the way to the banquet hall where there was vast amounts of wine, all of it imported from all over the world and of course, Hell. Aurora stared, "Malphas I hope you don't plan on drinking too much." Sebastian ignored her, he, Stolas, and Bard all shot for the fine wines. Aurora sighed, "They're going to be absolutely wasted come morning." Mey-Rin looked worried, "There's nothing there that can hurt Bard, can it?" Vermilla shook her head, "Not at all. Wine is wine. Hell wines are infused with the essence of souls, it shouldn't do much damage if any." Aurora raised a hand to summon one of the servants. "Yes, Lady Desideriis?" Aurora sighed, "Would you prepare something to ease the Lords' hangovers in the morning?" The servant bowed, "Yes, your Ladyship." Mey-Rin looked over, "Hangover? Bard will fine, won't he?" Aurora nodded, "Yes, of course he will. If anything I can heal him of the ailment." Mey-Rin looked intrigued, "So what is it you can do as an angel, Aurora?" Aurora hummed, "Well, as an Arch I could purify a soul, such things like that. But because I am a half Fallen and half Arch, I can also darken a soul. Other than superhuman abilities that greatly resemble that of Sebastian's, my abilities are the opposite of his. For example, his skills of seduction and malice are part of his demon aesthetic. And his seduction skills are amplified because he is the Lord of Desideriis, actually- all his skills are significantly amplified because of that." Vermilla shook her head, "No. All of his skills are amplified because of his close relationship to King Lucifer. Stolas has similar powers, but his come from the fact he is Lord of Superbior. But while he is a Desideriis, the ultimate authority goes to their father. King Asmodeous is Lucifer's former second, the first Crow."

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