White Maid Oneshot #42

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A/N: Happy Birthday Sakia! :)

Summary; Aurora is experimenting with the arts of forbidden angelic magic. Needless to say, things don't go well.

Set; In between Weston and Green Witch Arc

Simply One Hell Of A Parent

Aurora glared at the small spell book in her hands. Sebastian had been digging around in his old things, a spring cleaning of sorts, and had discovered the ancient spell book. The demon had never been one for angelic or demonic magic, relying mainly on his pure skill and brawn. He'd given the book to his mate, joking that it was a late birthday gift. His wife had teasingly swatted him on the back of the head with the book, muttering that he was birthday gift enough. 

She'd been staring at the book for a few days, trying to understand the ancient magic. She specialized more in swords play, but she had dabbled in the arts. She'd managed a couple spells, but she was currently trying to perform an aging spell on spoiled meat. Sebastian entered the room with Ciel, the boy sitting at the dining room table where the blonde was focusing on the spoiled steak. Ciel gagged and Sebastian chuckled, "What ever are you up to my dear?" Aurora sighed, "It's supposed to be an aging spell. If I master changing the food, we'll never run out." Sebastian glanced over her shoulder and looked slightly concerned, "Darling, this is directions to turn anything young, old or middle aged." Aurora pouted, I just wish it was a little easier. I've only gotten two of these down." 

Sebastian picked up the book and thumbed through it, "It's an advanced spell book from Hell, darling. And most of this is forbidden I'm amazed you got even one of these down so quickly." Aurora nodded, "I suppose..." Sebastian tugged an arm around her waist, pulling her close, "Why don't you take a break? Perhaps that might be beneficial?" Aurora glanced at him playfully, "A break, mon cher? That sounds an awful lot like you wanting my attention." Sebastian chuckled, "Well, you cannot blame me my dear. You've been hounding over that spell book for days. You haven't even slept much." Ciel groaned from where he sat, Bard bringing him his lunch before leaving, sparing a glance at the couple who were practically all over each other. 

Aurora sighed, "I suppose you make an excellent point there. I could use a break from this." She pushed the book gently into his arms and opened it back to the page, "Just let me try it once more." Sebastian sighed holding the book open for her. "Darling, I don't think-" Aurora shushed him. "Hush!" Sebastian frowned, "Angelica, enough. You need to take a-" Aurora turned and snapped at him- just as she cast the spell. A short whistling sound was heard followed by a silver light that of course... went right for Ciel. Sebastian and Aurora were knocked off their feet and sat back. "Ciel?!" Aurora cried, "Ciel are you-" She stared and her jaw dropped at the sight. The earl was gone. And all that remained was his clothing. She put her hands to her mouth. "Oh dear god I've killed him." Sebastian looked alarmed, "He can't be dead! I can still sense his soul!" They heard a strange cooing and found a tiny blue haired infant in the earl's place. They stared in disbelief. Aurora cursed under her breath. "Holy shit... I actually did it." 

She was jumping and grabbed her mate's arms, squealing with excitement. "Malphas I did it! I performed an age spell!" Sebastian nodded slowly, still staring in shock at the young master- now, very young master. "Yes... Yes I can see that, dear...." Aurora gasped, "I'm the first angel- the first half breed to have perfected a spell like this! I don't know another angel who has done a spell like this!" Sebastian grabbed her. "Angelica. Focus." He sighed, "Sweetheart. Mon cherie, my love. Please- turn him back." Aurora gulped, "Well... Perfecting one way of the spell is one thing. Perfecting the counter spell..." 

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