His Butler, Freeloader (Part 2) / The Woman, Hiding

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Every night was the same.

Sebastian patrolled the townhouse, the young master was asleep, as were all the guests. Nothing out of the ordinary there. He paused in the hall suddenly, fore fingers gripping his temple as a sudden jolt of pain struck through.

Damn servants... Damn that ridiculous Prince.

He didn't used to get migraines so easily.

His ears pricked, hearing one of the guests tossing and turning in bed. He came a few doors down, frowning when he realized that he was in front of Aurora's room. It was beyond improper for him to open the door and take a peek inside. But when he heard her give a small cry, he stepped up to the door, fingers resting upon the handle in preparation to turn it.

He knew something was off about her. He was beyond suspicious. But before he could open the bedroom door, the sound of a window opening down the hall from him made him turn to see his mate slipping inside.

He glanced back at Aurora's room, still hearing her tossing and turning with the occasional whimper.

Sebastian frowned, I've no time to watch her right now... If Lilli is here she's bound to stay the night if she can...

"Sebastian..." Lilli purred. Sebastian grit his teeth as she draped herself around him, then apparated them to the roof. "Lilli." He said, "I thought you weren't coming back? You said you were mad at me." Lilli smiled, "Oh please Sebastian. You know I can't stay mad at you." She walked over and kissed him on the cheek.

Sebastian narrowed his eyes at her, "Lilli. What is it you want?"

The demoness before him eyed him seductively, hands wandering down his shoulders to his belt. He was quick to bat her hands away with a snarl. "How many times must I say no? I'm on contract."

Lilli scowled, "Come on. You need to make good on your promise."

Sebastian stepped aside as she went to grab him again. "I never made any sort of promise to you." He claimed, "You know we needn't have any fledglings. Stolas and Vermilla have none. You know I have no desire for one."

Lilli glared at him coldly.

Every demon of any standing knew that once a fledgling was brought into a relationship, things solidified. Consummating did that to a degree, but not to the point a separation could still be able. Over the many years, Lilli had made countless attempts to seduce Sebastian or trick him into bedding her. And over the years, Sebastian had grown agitated at her attempts and their relationship was almost nonexistent.

So began the cycle of Lilli coming to disrupt contracts.

Sebastian knew this was just another one of those times. Lilli draped herself around him, purring like a cat. Sebastian glared, "Lilli, for as long as I am on a contract I am bound to my master. I will return to hell in the blink of an eye, you know that. My young master won't live much longer I presume."

Lilli was seething with anger. "Fine." She hissed, "Maybe if you won't give me a child I'll look elsewhere."

Sebastian rolled his eyes, "Don't be dramatic Lilli. It doesn't suit you."

In the morning...

Aurora awoke to Sebastian's rapt knock on the door. "Miss Aurora, the young master would like to inform you it is time to wake up."

Aurora sighed, rolling over to face the closed door, "Yes. Thank you."

It was a few moments before the butler entered, a blindfold resting over his crimson eyes. "The young master sent me to help you dress-"

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