His Butler & Maid, Searching

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Aurora was in her and Sebastian's room that night, utterly horrified at the thought her mate was missing. She didn't know what would happen if she let onto the imposter that she knew. She feared Ciel could be hurt or at worst, killed. She was not looking forward to the fact she would need to sleep next to the imposter to prevent them from discovering she knew that this was not her mate. She was brushing her hair at the vanity, hissing when she came to a knot. If only Sebastian were here... She sighed and set the brush down and put her face in her hands. She couldn't sense her mate's life form for miles. She had no idea where he might be. If things got bad she would be forced to take Ciel to either Heaven or Hell. Preferably Heaven as angels were devoted to ensuring the comfort and safety of humans. The door to the bed room opened and Aurora jumped. "Relax, my lovely angel, it is just me. Sebastian, your mate." Aurora's breath hitched. She fought the urge to show her fear and smiled and stood, "Of course. I was just lost in thought, darling." The imposter walked over and kissed her. Aurora almost flinched at how perfect the kiss was. Whoever this was had been studying everything about Sebastian in order to not draw suspicion. She kissed back, almost finding herself scolding herself for enjoying the kiss. It was just like she was kissing her husband. When the imposter pulled away, he rested his hands on her waist. "Come, love. Let's go to bed." That made her sick. Aurora yawned, "I'm afraid I'll be no fun tonight Sebastian. I'm exhausted." The imposter frowned, "Exhausted? Whatever from? Your day was easy compared to mine." Aurora hummed, "Tired of looking at numbers for Ciel." She kissed his cheek and then walked over to climb onto her side of the bed. She gasped as the imposter suddenly climbed over her with a smirk. "Sebastian, get off." She said, coolly, trying not to panick. The imposter smiled charmingly, "Darling, allow me to pleasure you as you drift into sleep." As he made to move the bed sheets, Aurora yelped and jumped to her feet. "I said no! What is wrong with you?!" The imposter froze a bit and then looked at her, "Angelica, you always love when I do this, do you not?" Aurora cleared her throat, "Well I'm drawing the line here. When i say no I mean no! What happened to consent?!" She backed away from him and then looked at the floor, "I- I'm going to go out for a fly. I need some air." The imposter shrugged, "Whatever you desire dearest. Goodnight." She watched as he drifted into sleep quickly before leaving and getting dressed.

" She watched as he drifted into sleep quickly before leaving and getting dressed

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Aurora quickly left the mansion and unfurled her wings before flying off. She sighed, hoping she could be quick about this. She quickly descended into Hell and made her way to the Castle Desideriis. When she threw open the doors to the library, she was out of breath, Stolas, Ilia, Nammah and Lucia all looked up at her shocked. "Angelica!" Her mother exclaimed, "Is something the matter?" The angel let the tears fall. "Somethings happened. Seba- Malphas is missing. Someone has taken his place. I don't know where my mate is. I can't find him." Nammah and Stolas looked shaken. Ilia bit her lip, "That isn't possible! Malphas isn't here! He was with you!" Stolas spoke up, "What do you mean someone has taken his place?" Aurora wiped her eyes, "I- its exactly what it sounds like. Someone who looks just like him is acting in his stead. Whoever it was tried to get a little too close and I almost spilled that I knew it wasn't him. With everything going on I didn't know who to go to." Nammah stood, "I shall get Asmodeous. He needs to know of this." She looked at Ilia and Stolas, "Both of you go with the Lady Desideriis. I will speak to King Asmodeous and decide what to do." Nammah left the room in a hurry and Stolas walked over to put an arm around the blonde angel. "Relax, my lady. We will find him." Aurora was shaking and she clung tightly to her brother in law. "You'll find him, won't you?" She asked desperately. Stolas nodded, "Of course. We'll find him."

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