Purifying Maid, Crossroads Butler

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"Young master?!" Claude burst into the bathroom of the Trancy Estate, finding Ciel in his night clothes in front of a smashed mirror. Claude rushed over, his hands running up and down the boys body, ensuring he was safe and no shards of glass had punctured his skin. "Alois..." Ciel whispered, "I thought I saw... Alois in the mirror." Claude sighed. "Well he isn't there now. Hannah," he turned to the maid. "Clean up this mess." Ciel's next words shocked him. "No. Claude you clean this up. Hannah, come with me." Claude gaped, watching them leave. "Hannah..."

"I miss home. I miss my manor." Ciel said, lamenting to the Trancy Maid as she knelt beside his bed. He looked up, caressed her face. Eyes warm for a change. "Your eye... it is, mysterious." Hannah smiled. "My lord, look." She pointed to her mouth. And when Ciel looked, he let out a blood curdling scream.

Aurora woke to the blood curdling scream, and rushed to open the door, crying out in pain as the demon steel burned her. "Ciel!" She cried, bashing her fist against the door, pain filling her as the tears flowed relentlessly.

The door finally opened to Claude, who wordlessly grabbed her by the neck, dragging her from the room. Fear shot through her, and Aurora thrashed to break free of his hold. She reached for her rapier, only to have her arm thrust behind her back. Claude shoved her in front of him, her body close against his so that his clad black trousers hit the back of her thigh.

She sneered, "The second you let me go- I'm going to-" He shoved her down suddenly, drawing a yelp. "I'm going to enjoy this." Claude towered over her, and Aurora hissed, "Over my dead body!" She pulled her rapier, slicing it over his legs, before running.




The thought processed through her mind repeatedly, and she made a beeline for Ciel's room. "Ciel!" She cried, pushing through the door, "We have to-" She stared in horror as Hannah sat in front of the boy, smiling evilly.

"Surprised?" She murmured. Aurora whispered, "What have you done to him?" Hannah smiled, "He and Alois Trancy are now one, but one is overpowering the other." Ciel began laughing hysterically and Hannah's smile widened. "Ciel Phantomhive had a weakness in his heart. My master, Alois Trancy, took advantage of that and has now claimed Phantomhive's body through his own eye."

Aurora put her hands over her mouth, "You're sick!" She croaked.

Hannah sighed, "Of course an angel would think so." She eyed her then, "I can see why Claude's attracted to you, the angelic appearance, the stories we've all heard, claiming you would be quite a prize. I may have to ask him to share you with me." Aurora glared, "Try anything, and I will-"

"Run me through with that little toy sword of yours? That blade of yours may be powerful, but it is no death scythe. Made form similar materials, yes- but not entirely a death scythe. It can mortally wound me, if I am not already prepared."

Hannah's hand shot out, grabbing the angel's blonde curls. "You here gives me an extra advantage. That demon prince of yours, he wouldn't dare risk hurting you. Especially when I hold your life in my hands, he'll have no choice but to surrender."

Aurora cringed, concern dancing in her eyes. Claude entered the room then and he glared, "I need her for leverage." Hannah glanced back at him, "I need her as motivation for him to play along."

"His master is motivation enough," Claude argued, "Keeping them both could prove more harmful than good." Hannah rolled her eyes, "Fine. Take her." She shoved the angel into Claude, the demon pulling an arm around her so her arms were restrained to her sides.

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