His Butler & Maid, Transporting & Returning Home

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The next morning Aurora awoke alone. She was a little frightened for a moment, but then noticed the dress by the vanity, and the rose with a note on Sebastian's pillow. She sat up and opened the note.


you need not worry- I am alive and well. I am simply preparing the carriage outside as our little lord wishes to journey to the Music Hall. If you would put on the dress that I have left you by the vanity, then join me in the main hall, I would be most delighted.


Aurora sighed and got up, "Guess Ciel's found something more to do at that wretched place." The boy had already ruined the Sphere Music Halls' reputation significantly, she saw no reason to make another trip back.

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She dressed and did her hair before venturing into the main hall with a yawn

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She dressed and did her hair before venturing into the main hall with a yawn. She had dressed and walked in on Soma and Sieglinde trying to pitch more ideas for the Phantom Five to Ciel. Ciel scoffed in annoyance, "The Phantom Five is on hiatus. The members have their own responsibilities. After all, Edward's mother practically dragged him off stage, and even I cannot argue with my aunt." He smirked, "After all, they've already served their purpose." Aurora frowned, "Your cancelling the Phantom Five?" Ciel shrugged, "For now." Aurora nodded, "Where is Sebastian?" Ciel pointed outside, "Getting the carriage ready." Aurora nodded and started outside only to bump into her husband as he entered. "Oh, hello darling." Sebastian greeted with a smile at his wife. Aurora matched his smile, "Hello." Sebastian looked over at Ciel, "My lord, your carriage is ready." Ciel nodded and followed them down the main hall to the front door where they were interrupted by Agni. "A moment if you will, Lord Ciel?" Ciel groaned, "You too?" He turned, "What is it?" Agni held up a newspaper, "My prince has not yet realized it, but Funtom Music Hall was indirectly responsible for the murder. Was it not?" Ciel huffed in confirmation. Agni continued, "It is why I must ask you to cease your use of my prince in dangerous affairs." He had a worried look on his face, "For he has indirectly taken part in a murder. If you care for your friend you will not use him in such a way." Ciel sighed, "Very well. I will stop putting you both to use. Though, I never considered him a friend."

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