His Butler, Gravely Wounded - His Maid, Fallen Angel

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"Sebastian!" The demon's eyes opened. He crashed into Aurora and Ciel, the three of them slamming down to the ground. Sebastian had twisted them so he now laid on his back, and bared the brunt of the force. Aurora looked down and gasped, the wound in his chest was deep, and his blood now covered both her and Ciel. "Sebastian?! Sebastian?!" She frantically slapped his face and shook him vigorously. Ciel was also concerned and joined her in shaking the demon. "Sebastian! Oi! Sebastian!" Sebastian grimaced, and slowly opened his eyes. "There is no need to shout, I can hear you both just.... fine." Aurora gave a small sigh of relief before she stood, her wings still unsheathed and her rapier at hand. "I expected nothing less from a butler and maid such as yourselves." Undertaker said, "I knew you would protect the Earl for me." Aurora hissed, "Shut it, you! I'll run you through with my father's sword for what you have done!" Sebastian sat up and spat out a mouthful of blood. Aurora stood before him, her wings as a shield for both her lover and master. She was breathing heavily, blonde hair plastered to her face, silver blue eyes fierce and cold as the artic ice. She was ready to kill. "Your records were every bit as entertaining as I thought they'd be. However, it has become clear that you, demon, bring the Earl nothing but misfortune. So I believe I shall have to remove you." Aurora screamed, "You dare lay a hand on either of them I'll cut you down where you stand!" Her scream shook the ship. And Sebastian launched forward to grab Ciel who had begun to tumble as the ship listed. "Sinking, are we?" Undertaker said, a smile on his face. "Blast!" Sebastian hissed. Rian Stoker, who had been gripping a banister, fell and slammed into the rumble. Aurora used a wing to shield his eyes, Sebastian pulling her into the arm he held Ciel in, causing the angel to pull the boy into her own arms, making them resemble a set of Russian nesting dolls. "Rian Stoker, born on the twenty fifth of august in eighteen fifty four, died the twentieth of April eighteen eighty nine. Death caused by injuries sustained in a fall." Grelle said popping in. He frowned at Aurora, "Are you alright, Rara? He got you with that scythe of his too, didn't he?" Aurora grimaced, "I'll be fine! Just a knick." Grelle narrowed his eyes, "He was able to see your cinematic record as well as Bassy's. You both need to rest." Aurora shook her head, "I can manage Grelle. Sebastian-" She looked at the butler, he was already beginning to weaken. Grelle sighed, "Anyways, I need to take care of this one." He went after Undertaker, and Sebastian made to move only to have Ronald stop him. "I'll leave the rogue reaper to you Mister Sutcliffe! I'll dispatch this one while he's still weak." Aurora narrowed her eyes, "You forget you are up against an angel." Ronald chuckled, "Your nothing but a fallen." Aurora smirked, "I was born an arch." She looked at Sebastian, "You take the young master. I'll fight." Sebastian coughed and then noticed through his hazy vision the wound on her back, nearly taking out one of her wings. He would see the muscle underneath, she was healing. But slowly. "No..." he coughed, "Your wings-" Aurora winced, "I can't sheathe them until they heal a bit. They'll be fine." She leapt into the fight, battling with Ronald Knox, leaving Sebastian to evacuate Ciel. The demon jumped back, but broke into a fit of coughs, and was desperately trying to breath. Ciel chuckled, "I can't have you so grossly underestimating my butler or my maid. You think they can be weakened that easily? Your sorely mistaken. Am I right, Sebastian? Aurora?" Sebastian took a heaving breath, "Yes. You are my lord." He broke into another fit of coughs then, alarming both Ciel and Aurora. She knew then she would need to coax him into flying them out, as she could no longer fly or risk loosing her wing. "Ahh, now I'm wondering if I should feel bad for preying upon an injured animal." Sebastian suddenly slammed the blonde reaper into a wall, eyes glowing a demonic red. "You may wish to reconsider that definition of weak." Aurora watched as Sebastian used the last of his strength to take out the reaper. Grelle was busy with the Undertaker, that left her and Ciel. She limped over to the Earl and picked him up, wincing in pain. "Argh." Ciel looked at her concerned, "Aurora? Are you alright?" Aurora nodded, "Just a scratch... milord. She tested her wings. "I doubt I can fly like this..." She looked at Ciel, "I-" Suddenly they noticed Ronald be thrown into Grelle, leaving Undertaker for the taking.  Sebastian walked over and joined her and Ciel, leaning on Ronald's scythe. "Young chaps these days are so much weaker than they used to be!" The demon chirped. Undertaker frowned, "Now- that just leaves one." Aurora suddenly heard the ship creaking. "Sebastian..." She grabbed Ciel and looked at the demon, "We don't have time!" Sebastian grabbed tightly onto her and Ciel, and water flooded in. "Alas, the time has come for us to part!" Undertaker said, "I've enjoyed myself immensely!" Grelle attacked Undertaker, unlatching his chain of lockets, which Ciel caught as they fell. "Well my lord, I suppose I'll let you hold onto that for a while. Take good care of it for me won't you? You have no idea how much of a treasure it is to me." Ciel called back, "Treasure? What does that mean?!" Undertaker called back, "No doubt we'll meet again my lord! Until then!" Aurora squeezed her eyes shut, Sebastian grabbed both her and Ciel and jumped, then ran up the deck. When they reached the end. He grabbed Aurora by the arms. "Hold onto him- do not let go of him whatever happens, do you understand me?!" Aurora nodded, "Yes, but why-" He kissed her suddenly, held her close for a moment, "I love you." And then, he put a life preserver over Ciel, "Hold your breaths!" Aurora gasped, "Sebastian! No!" He flashed her a sad smile and threw them both into the water. Aurora could only watch as he went down with the ship. "No..." She whispered, "Sebastian..." 

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