White Maid Oneshot #24

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Summary; After Ciel offers up Sebastian to get Grelle to assist him in rescuing Elizabeth from Droccel, Sebastian has a fit.

Set; just after Clawed Butler of Season 2

A/N; I wanted Aurora to have her memories for this one.

The Favor

It was a normal day in the Phantomhive Manor. That was, until Sebastian Michaelis, the normally, very composed and gentlemanly butler burst in through the front door screaming at his master, with a certain red reaper clinging to him. 

"Young master! What is the meaning of this?!" The demon butler roared, his fury causing Aurora Magne, the housemaid and governess to his master to jump a foot in the air having been startled. She turned to glare at the butler, arms folded across her chest and pushing the spectacles (a pair she had actually stolen from Sebastian's room) resting on the bridge of her nose up. 

Her silver blue gaze pierced that of the butler's. "Sebastian! He's in the middle of a lesson! Can't this wait?" 

Sebastian turned to her, then grabbed her around the waist and kissed her passionately. When he pulled away, he held tightly onto her and had her side pressing into his and she almost flinched at his strong grip around her waist. Ciel frowned, "What is it, Sebastian?" Sebastian was seething, and Aurora could see this was not going to end well.

"Did you tell Grelle that he could have free use of me?!" The butler demanded.

At that, Aurora gasped in horror and glared at Ciel. "Ciel! You did what?!" 

Ciel shrugged, "Hmm? Oh yes, now that you mention it I do believe I forgot to tell you about it."

Sebastian hissed, "Are you or are you not aware that I'm already currently in a relationship?" Aurora gently pulled him away, fearing he was about to rip the boy's throat out. 

"Darling, maybe you should sit down-" 

Grelle cut her off, "My, my, arguing is wrong Bassy, your young master's orders require complete obedience." Sebastian shuddered and pulled Aurora closer into his arms. The angel shared his shudder and pulled an arm around him. She looked at Ciel hopefully, "Surely there is something else you could offer Grelle in compensation? Your services perhaps? Doing paperwork for him?"

She clung to Sebastian who held her equally as tightly- if not more so, almost as if he were afraid she would disappear and be replaced with the red reaper. Ciel smirked, "I only said he could do whatever he pleased with you, Sebastian. So Grelle, what is it you wish?" Grelle was quivering with pleasure, "A kiss... with tongue.. From Sebastian." 

Sebastian put a hand over his mouth. "I think I'm going to be sick." 

Aurora reached up and felt his forehead, "Oh yes! You are burning up!" She looked at Grelle, "I'm afraid he won't be up to par, Grelle. I fear my darling is coming down with something." 

She smiled lovingly up at Sebastian. "Let's get you to your bed and I'll make you a risotto, hmm?"

She tried to usher the demon from the room only to have Grelle stop them. Ciel smirked, "Sebastian. This is an order, give Grelle what he desires." Aurora shot Ciel a look, 

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