His Butler & Maid: Lyrical (The Halloween Special)

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Halloween was just around the corner. It would be Aurora's first Halloween in the human world. The angel was seated in the kitchen, asking the other servants about the holiday. "I've never seen Hallo's Eve before," she was saying, "What exactly is it?" Bard frowned, "Ya mean Halloween?" Aurora tilted her head in slight confusion. "Is that not what Hallo's Eve is?" Mey-Rin cut in, "It is. It goes by many names, actually. But the traditions for each country differ." Aurora frowned, "How so?" 

The Phantomhive servants went on to explain the traditions of their own home countries, when Sebastian entered the room. His eyes scanned the room until they fell on his wife, "There you are," he said walking over. "I have been looking everywhere for you!" Aurora looked over confused as he walked into the room. "What? Is something wrong?" Sebastian sighed, "No. Nothing is wrong, relax." Aurora sighed, "Then what is it?" Sebastian smiled and pulled her gently to her feet and then into his arms. "Can I not come and see my wife whenever I wish?" Aurora raised an eyebrow. "You don't come see me without reason, Sebastian. What is it?" She smirked, "Did Sebastian do a bad thing?" Her mate shook his head, 

"No. Of course not. Now come along, we need to prepare for the Halloween party." 

Aurora looked confused, "What can you tell me about this- Halloween? You know I've never been on earth for it!" Sebastian chuckled, "Oh darling, your going to enjoy it." She looked confused as he dragged her to Ciel's room where the boy was sitting on one of the chairs before his fire place, the chair turned more towards the wardrobe. Ciel's face fell when Aurora entered. "You didn't!" He groaned. Sebastian smirked, "Did you not think I was serious, my lord? If you were unable to choose a costume on your own, I would bring Aurora in to assist." The angel looked confused, "Costume? For what?" Ciel frowned. "Halloween. The party." Aurora looked at Sebastian and sighed, "You know I'm unfamiliar with the holiday's of humans, Sebastian." 

Her mate walked over and laced his arms around her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder, "Oh my angel, it is merely a costume party for children. It's like a masquerade ball." He spun her around and then pulled her tightly to his chest in a waltz position. "Think of Schon Brohn, my dear. It is quite similar to that, only children dress up in ridiculous costumes and such." Aurora looked surprised, "A holiday for children to dress in costumes?" She repeated, "Whatever for? What does it even celebrate?" Sebastian sighed, "It is the prior day to one of your angelic holidays. It originally meant to be a great feast of sorts, but somewhere along the line humans started distributing sweets and costumes to young children." Aurora nodded, "I see..." Then she brightened immensely and a wide grin spread across her face. Sebastian smirked, knowing he had just unleashed a demon on Ciel who was now cowering a bit. "You mean... we get to dress Ciel up in some ridiculous outfit?!" Aurora's eyes were bright with amusement. Sebastian nodded, "Precisely." Aurora looked over at the boy and grinned, "Oh this is going to be so much fun." Ciel groaned and put his head in his hands. He was regretting contracting a demon now.

After many, many costume changes, Ciel was now dressed as a cute demon. Sebastian had nearly died of laughter- a rarity for him- when Aurora had practically dragged Ciel into the room.

Aurora skipped out of the dressing room with a smile. Sebastian was sitting by the fire, watching. "Your going to love this." Aurora said with a giggle before looking back to the dressing room. "You can come out now, Ciel." Ciel snapped from the dressing room. "No! I swear I am never coming out!" Aurora sighed, "Ciel, if you don't come out right now, I am going to drag you out and down to the party." Ciel snarled, "Go ahead and try!" Aurora rolled her eyes and marched back into the room, Sebastian smirked and with held a chuckle as he heard Ciel's protests.

"Unhand me! Aurora this is an order! Let me go!"

"Nice try, Ciel- you should know by now you can't control me as easily as you can Sebastian."

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