His Butler & Maid, Chastising & A Startling Revelation

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Glass shattered throughout the room. Sebastian moved in front of Aurora, shielding her from the glass debris. When the shattered glass was resting on the floor and no longer airbourne, Aurora's eyes widened. Grelle was in the debris, reaper scythe at the ready. The front door opened then and Othello walked in, "Time for the spanking to begin!" 

Undertaker glared at the two reapers. Aurora was biting her lip throughout their banter and looked at Sebastian who wound his arm tightly around her waist, not liking the idea of three reapers in the room with the entire Phantomhive household and staff. Aurora reached out and pulled Ciel close, "Ciel, come here, stay away from them." Ciel obeyed and Aurora held him close. Sebastian glanced down at them and tightened his arm around her waist a bit, needing to have some sense of security. 

Undertaker suddenly burst into laughter, "You're still physically weak and useless as ever, aren't you?" Grelle looked surprised, "I thought you were one of those people who pretended to be weak!" Othello shrugged, "I was never very strong if I'm brutally honest. Now, we should attack him."  And with that, Othello threw his death scythe at the rogue reaper. "Take that!" The scythe made it barely a foot before clattering to the ground. Undertaker, recovering from his laughing fit, stood up and took out his own Death Scythe, "I think you two should leave, now." Othello jumped behind Grelle, "Protect me Grelle! I don't want to die!" Grelle groaned in annoyance. "Why am I the shield?!" They launched their attack only to have Sebastian and Aurora intervene, Aurora unsheathed her rapier while her mate revealed his cutlery. 

"Sebastian? Aurora? You both would like to join us?!" Grelle asked as Sebastian intercepted the blows dealt with one of his knives. "You are not my concern," the demon deadpanned, standing back to back with his mate. "All of you enough." Aurora said coldly. Sebastian suddenly charged forward, "This man has been constantly evading my grasp, so I wish to ensnare him once and for all!" Aurora cut in, "Furthermore, should either of us allow the both of you to continue your violent rampages, the manor will be in shambles within mere minutes!" The demon and angel couple were standing back to back, "Therefore I must ask you to leave at once!" Sebastian snarled, demonic fangs prominent. The real Ciel chuckled, "Heh. You say that as if you were a part of this household. But you are not, so sorry. I  am the master of the house. And I demand that you both to leave." 

Before anything else could happen, Scotland Yard marched into the manor. 

"Scotland Yard! Everyone lay down your weapons!"

Sebastian immediately took his mate's rapier and placed it into it's sheathe. Edward and Alexis Midford entered alongside Fred Abberline. Fred spoke, only to cut himself off upon seeing the two twins. "We received an anonymous tip stating that Blavat Sky and his conspirators are hiding in Phantomhive Manor. Lord Phantomhi-" All eyes were on the twins. "Uncle Alex!" The real Ciel greeted, "It's me! it's Ciel! A lot has happened, but I have finally returned, and for that sake, my younger brother has acted in my stead until now!" As all eyes fell on the Ciel that they had all known, the boy stammered. "I..." Edward looked on horrified, "No... it can't be true, can it?!" 

"It's true." Aurora's eyes widened as she heard the feminine voice. Lady Elizabeth was at the top of the staircase. And she pointed an accusing finger at Ciel. "Ciel is not lying. The one who was lying to us all this time, was him." 

Ciel looked heartbroken, Aurora recognized the look easily. 


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