His Butler & Maid, Compelling

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Aurora yawned and joined Sebastian in what was going to be their room. "I'm exhausted," she yawned moving to sit on the bed. Sebastian smirked over at her while he undid his tie, "Oh? Going to sleep right away then, my lady?" Aurora flashed him a small smile and walked over to kiss his cheek and draped her arms around him, "I didn't say I was too exhausted, Malphas..." She murmured, "I'm more than happy to have our own fun for a bit before bed." Sebastian growled and tugged her close, "Then shall we get to it?" He made to push her down on the bed when there was a clap of thunder outside and they heard a yelp from one of the other rooms. The door to their room opened and they moved apart as Sieglinde stumbled in racing to the bedside where Aurora lifted her onto the bed. "The thunder!" Sieglinde cried, "It sounds like that panzer!" Aurora and Sebastian shared a look before Aurora shushed the girl and hummed softly to her. Ciel appeared in the doorway not long after, rubbing his eyes. "What's going on?" He muttered, "I thought I heard a scream?" Sebastian slipped out of the bed with a sigh, "Nothing's the matter, my lord. If you like I can tuck you back into bed?" Ciel frowned at the sight of Aurora cuddling Sieglinde and bit his lip, standing his ground. Sebastian raised an eyebrow, noticing the boy seemed to resemble a jealous child. "I want to stay too..." Ciel finally murmured. Sebastian's eyes widened a bit and he looked over at his mate. Aurora smiled and opened her arm, "Come here, Ciel." Ciel didn't hesitate and quickly ran over to jump on the bed with her and Sieglinde, drawing a laugh from the latter. Sebastian shook his head and sighed, the bed was going to be quite crowded tonight. And on top of that, he wasn't going to get to enjoy a quiet night with his mate.

Sebastian was laying on the bed with Ciel and Sieglinde curled in between him and Aurora. The other three in the bed were sound asleep, it had been a couple hours since the children had joined them. Sebastian sat up and walked over to the window to look outside at the rain pattering upon the window.

"Sebastian?" He turned to see Aurora slowly sitting up to look at him through the darkness of the room. "What are you doing, love?" She asked quietly, rubbing her eyes with a dainty hand. Sebastian smiled, "Nothing, my dear. I do not need sleep, remember?" Aurora sighed, "Just because you don't need sleep doesn't mean you shouldn't try to sleep." She raised a hand to summon him over, "Come back to bed." Sebastian obeyed her and leaned over to kiss her gently on her lips, his hand coming to cup her face in his hand. When he pulled away, he watched her silver blue eyes flutter open and look up at him. "Come on Sebastian, lay down." The demon sighed and moved to his side of the bed and climbed back under the covers with her and the children. Aurora curled closer, sandwiching the two children in between them. She reached over to lace her hand with his and then looked over at him with a small smile. "Sebastian, how many do you think you would want?" She asked softly. Sebastian's eyes widened a bit and he cleared his throat, "I- I don't know. I hadn't given it much thought. We could have as many as we want. We have all eternity. Most demons have hundreds of children." Aurora hummed and ran a hand through Ciel's hair, "I never gave much thought as to how many either, we could always just see how it goes?" Sebastian nodded and leaned over to kiss her. "Sleep my angel. I'll see you in the morning."

The next day came rather quickly, and Diedrich and the others were confused when Ciel didn't come down for breakfast. Worry began to plague them that there was another murder like so many months ago, or that the boy had been stolen in the middle of the night. But after Bardroy pointed out that neither Sebastian or Aurora was about, the group of them crept up to the couples bedroom where they found the couple with Ciel and Sieglinde in between them, all four curled up. They quickly left them alone and went about their day. Diedrich was walking through the hall of the castle when he noticed a picture of him and Vincent Phantomhive. His gaze softened ever so slightly. "I'm sorry I cannot always be there for him, Phantomhive. But I know he has people who will do everything in their power to ensure that your boy remains safe. Rest easy, Vincent."

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