His Butler & Maid, Sounding the Alarm

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Sebastian went on to explain to Ciel about witches, and even went in to say he had met a few. "What?!" Aurora exclaimed, "You met a witch?! You never told me about this!" She looked like a child, her silver blue eyes bright with wonder, "Sebastian! Please tell me what happened!" Sebastian sighed, "Thank you my lord, now see what you've done?" Ciel smirked. "Well then?" He said, "Aren't you going to tell us?" Sebastian sighed, "Very well. I have met those who went by the moniker of witch on several occasions before." Ciel snickered, "Did they summon you to the witches' sabbath and worship you?" The boy's tone was mocking. Sebastian chuckled, "Summoning demons and worshipping them... I do not believe such sabbaths were held for that purpose. They were times of social interaction for depraved adults who wished to escape reality by sinking into debauchery." Aurora watched as her mate's eyes seemed to flash at the memories of souls he had stolen in the past, and she felt a shudder run through her body at the sight. "...offering us their souls in exchange for their desires. One cannot summon us demons without that degree of determination." Ciel opened his mouth, "Are you-" he stopped. Sebastian turned, "Yes?" Ciel gulped, "Nothing."

They traveled for not much longer and came upon a village. The group of them all dismounted the carriages, Aurora having removed her spell from Finny some time ago. Sebastian picked her up and helped her down off the carriage, "Sebastian- you don't need to pick me up." She said, her husband chuckled, "I can't let you ruin your pretty dress," Aurora sighed, "Perhaps I should where something other than a dress. Maybe I'll ask Grelle to borrow-" Sebastian shook his head, "No. Never." He leaned in close, "My darling- the tailors I have are the best of the best, leave it to me my angel." Aurora kissed him and he set her down. Mey-Rin eyed her dress enviously, "I must know your tailor, I do..." Aurora smirked, "Ask Sebastian. He's the one who manages to acquire all my clothes." Sebastian looked over at her and smirked as he helped Ciel down, "What kind of husband would I be if I couldn't get my gorgeous wife the best clothing?" 

" Sebastian looked over at her and smirked as he helped Ciel down, "What kind of husband would I be if I couldn't get my gorgeous wife the best clothing?" 

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They slowly entered the village, Aurora clinging tightly onto Sebastian's arm. The town appeared to be deserted. "So there really was a village in this forest..." Ciel murmured. "Is it abandoned?" Finny asked. Aurora shook her head, "Doubtful, the houses are too well kept." Finny cupped his hands to his mouth, "Hellooo?! Is anybody here?!" At once woman in renaissance style clothing launched out at them screaming in German. Aurora and Sebastian both stood in front of Ciel, though Sebastian pushing both his mate and charge further behind him into the circle of servants. "Eindringlinge! Intruders!" 

Aurora pulled Ciel close to her and her eyes darted around. They were surrounded. Then she noticed the amulets the women all wore. Her mind wandered back to when she was younger, studying up on countless things in her father's mansion in Heaven. The amulets, as far as she knew- were some sort of protection. Just what from, she wasn't sure. Sebastian was trying to reason with the villagers- all of whom were women, whilst the servants of the Phantomhive Estate huddled protectively around their young lord. Aurora pulled the boy earl close to her chest, protective of the child she had come to think of as her own. Suddenly, there was an outcry in German. "Was ist die Bedeutung davon?! What is the meaning of this?!" There was a murmur amongst the villagers. "Der ehrenwerte Sullivan! The honorable Sullivan!" A tall man with white hair held a little girl not much younger than Ciel. The girl spoke with a commanding voice and her gaze upon her people was cold. The villagers apologized profusely for allowing them into the village and Sebastian began to speak to the young girl, asking if she was the Liege Lord of the village. The little girl affirmed this and introduced herself, "Indeed. I am Sieglinde Sullivan, Liege of this forest!"

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