His Butler & Maid, On The Run

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Aurora was helping Ciel into the back of the cart and fixing his eye patch while Sebastian said his goodbyes. Ilia sighed, "Do you have to go?" Sebastian nodded, "Unfortunately. The contract won't wait and in order to keep things going strong..." Stolas folded his arms across his chest. "If you've formed an attachment to him, then make him demon. Or ask Lord Lucifer. He's your best friend isn't he? He'd do it in a heartbeat if you asked." Sebastian shook his head, "You are aware of what's happened to the the few- very few, human turned demons? Yes they have an immortal or extended life span, but most end their lives after the people they care about pass on. The few that become the mate of a full blooded demon tend to be quite depressed. And I wouldn't inflict the curse of immortality on a human child. Especially since it would mean all the work I've gone through to cultivate his soul would go to waste." He glanced back to where his mate was fussing over Finny and Ciel who were both in the back of the cart. "Besides, Angelica is the one who has grown attached to him." Stolas hummed, "Uh huh. And it is just Angelica who's grown attached to little Lord Phantomhive over there." Sebastian narrowed his eyes at him for a moment. "I trust you'll continue to care for Desideriis Chateau in my absence, brother Stolas?" Stolas smiled, "Of course, brother Malphas. Desideriis Chateau shall be just as you left it." Sebastian smiled, "Then I bid you farewell. I hope to see you again soon." 

They were on the road for sometime. Sebastian, Ciel and Aurora were in the back of the cart under a blanket, Ciel leaning on the angel while she in turn leaned on Sebastian who had an arm around them both. Finny and Snake were sitting in the back with them, Snake dangling his legs off the edge of the cart. Bard and Mey-Rin were in the front, steering the cart towards the city of London. When they came to London, Bard huffed, "This place is always a filthy mess no matter when I come here. Pfft. London. What a city." He glanced back over his shoulder into the back of the cart at Sebastian, "So, what do we do now?" Sebastian spoke quietly, discreetly, "First, we will head for the Funtom Corporation Headquarters. Funtom is a company built up and managed personally by the young master." Aurora shivered, "We can only hope that the Earl of Phantomhive's influence has not yet reached that far. But we stopped for a long weekend, there is no telling what could have happened." Sebastian glanced at Finny, "Finnian, go check things out. Make sure you are not followed." Finny nodded and climbed out of the cart, pulling a cap onto his head, and running off in the disguise of a page boy. While Finny ran off, Sebastian spoke again to Bard, "Bring the cart to the nearest alleyway. We can all get out and hide in the alley until Finny returns." Bard nodded, "You got it." 

Aurora was held against Sebastian's chest as they waited for Finny in the alley. Ciel was standing beside them, as quiet as he had been the past few days. Aurora pulled Sebastian aside, a few feet away from Ciel. "Sebastian, I'm worried." She whispered. Sebastian nodded, "I know, my darling. I know. Whatever happens I assure you we will be fine-" Aurora cut him off, "I'm not talking about us. I'm talking about Ciel." She glanced briefly at the boy to ensure he wasn't able to hear them. "He hasn't uttered a word since you were both arrested. Aside from speaking very, very briefly at the inn the other day, he's said nothing. I'm worried he's going to become mute." Sebastian sighed, "I'm sure he will be fine. Just give him some time, Angelica. If he doesn't speak by the time we reach our next safe haven, we will worry then." Aurora opened her mouth to protest when Finny came running over. "I saw the Yard in the store- patrolling around." Sebastian shook his head and leaned back against the alleyway wall. "Blast. We may have wasted too much time at the chateau. Other than that, the Earl works quite swiftly indeed." Aurora spoke up, "It might be the work of Randall. I don't think I would be surprised if he were taking the chance to stamp out something he finds unsavory." Sebastian smirked, "After all the young master ahs done for him? Hmm. Humans are such cruel beings." Aurora shot him a look, "Malphas..." He chuckled under his breath at her tone. Bard frowned, "So what's the plan now?" Sebastian thought for a moment, "I'm thinking about fleeing England and setting up base outside of the country, the chateau isn't the only property I have access to." Aurora sighed, "And for that to work we need to take time to rest and make preparations." Sebastian looked over at her with a frown, "Do you have any property acquired from your late father, my angel?" Aurora sighed, "Honestly, I'm unsure. I never found the time to read his will. I have access to the estate in the Silver City, but on earth, I wouldn't know." Sebastian nodded, "Would your mother have property perhaps?" Aurora shook her head, "Mother never liked the human world. She's never been fond of it." Sebastian frowned, "Let me think... I'd rather we stay well away from other immortals- in particular my family... Ah! Come to think of it, there is one place near here that-" He was cut off as a Scotland Yard officer yelled at them. Quick as a flash, Sebastian and Aurora blocked Ciel from view, and pulled Finny in front of them with a small smile. "Oh nothing officer! We just took a wrong turn! My husband and our nephew alongside my brother and his wife and their butler. We stepped into the alley as to not loose one another in the crowd." The angel cast the officer a small sweet smile, "You do understand, don't you sir?" Sebastian noticed her eyes flash silver rimmed magenta very briefly before returning to their normal silvery blue. The officer huffed, "I suppose so... Just keep-" He noticed Sebastian and narrowed his eyes at him. "Wait a minute... That's the Phantomhive butler!" Sebastian grabbed Aurora by the arm, "Everyone this way!" They took off running and Aurora yelped as she tripped over her dress, nearly knocking both her and Sebastian off their feet. Sebastian staggered a bit, but kept on running, pulling her along behind him. Ciel was being carried by Finny, and the rest of the servants running along behind them. Sebastian quickly pulled them into a building and they ducked down, only to be sandwiched together. Sebastian against the wall, then Aurora in his arms, followed by Ciel and Finny who were squished into the couple. A flash made them flinch. 

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