His Angel & Her Demon, Clan Of Desideriis

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The next day, Aurora and Sebastian found it was just them in the manor. Aurora changed Sebastian's wound dressing, and it was discovered her own wounds were completely healed. The demon couldn't help but feel a bit jealous, watching as she flexed her white wings and moved about freely, doing her usual duties as maid. Sebastian himself, was in the office, doing paperwork and filing things. Nothing to thrilling. Aurora finished her duties early, as per usual, and sat across from him in the office. "We could always go outside," Aurora suggested, "The others have the day off and went to town, they'll be gone until dusk." Sebastian paused, and smirked at her. "Aurora." He said, "I am feeling much better..." Aurora smiled as he stood up and walked over to her, a slight limp in his step, but near perfect. "We could always have a romp about in the garden, or we could simply take a day trip." Aurora smiled, "What kind of day trip would this be?" Sebastian smiled, "I was thinking of going to the lake," he said, "We could set up a picnic, bring a spare change of clothing if need be..." Aurora hummed, "Well I do like the sound of that, you are quite sure your up to it?" Sebastian gave her a devilish smirk, "Indeed." His angel smiled, "Well then, let's not waste any time then."

They arrived at the lake in about half an hour, using their wings to take them there. The lake was quiet, as it always had been, and the rock Aurora had once sat on remained, albeit a bit weather from years of damage. Sebastian laid out the picnic blanket, while Aurora dipped her toes in the water. "Lunch, my lady?" Sebastian asked, having finished setting out the food. Aurora grinned and sat across from him, "So you'll eat your own cooking?" She teased. Sebastian smiled, "You'll notice I set aside a few things. There are two duck roasts, one is acquired to your tastes, the other still has the creature's soul. It give it a bit more flavor for myself." Aurora nodded, "Understandable. Though I don't see how you can't stomach human food. It's delicious some of the things they make." Sebastian sighed, "While some of it is indeed good, I'll admit that, most simply does not have the same flavor as a soul." Aurora looked up at him curiously, "What does a soul taste like?" She asked, "You've never really answered that question." Sebastian chuckled, "You have to taste it to know the flavor." Aurora shuddered, "Then I don't think I want to know." Sebastian hummed thoughtfully, "My darling, you've already become a Fallen, you cannot dip lower than you have. It is impossible." Aurora thought for a moment, "Maybe one day." She said, "Maybe on your next contract. I don't think I'd be able to take Ciel's soul..." She trailed off and there was a distant sorrow in her eyes. Sebastian leaned over and tilted her chin up, "Hopefully we needn't need to worry about that for some time." Aurora nodded, "Will you really do it?" She asked. Sebastian frowned, "I'll have no choice. The contract has been made, the die has been cast. There is no changing what has been done. I will say that he is the most interesting master I've had for some time." Aurora smiled, "It's never a dull moment." Sebastian hummed, "Indeed it is not." He looked back at her, "After lunch we need to take a trip down to hell. We have some people to announce our engagement to." Aurora grinned, "Mother is going to have a fit!" Sebastian chuckled, "Let us eat, my lady. Then we can head down for a visit." 

An hour later, they stood hand in hand by the lakeside. Sebastian pulled off both their gloves, revealing the angel's pretty engagement ring. Sebastian smile was devilish as he laced their fingers together, the demon's eyes were aglow, as his eyes glowed that bright but dark crimson, his contract seal had an eerie purple glow, the angelic seal on his angel's hand glowed a pretty white gold, tinged with a phosphorescent blue. He looked up at her, seeing her eyes glowing the demonic fuchsia, with the pretty silver ring around them. "Ready, my angel?" He murmured. Aurora gave him a firm nod. "Yes." Sebastian smiled, "Hold on." Her eyes remained trained on his as he murmured a phrase in Latin, and then the space around them changed. Angelica blinked, they were in hell. Malphas stood before her, dressed in demonic finery. He smirked, "Welcome home, angel." Angelica looked around, they were in a garden, full of roses and asphodels. Malphas took her by the arm and lead her into the vast castle, they got a few strange looks from guards, but those were quickly silenced by Malphas who's eyes glowed demonically, forcing all those who dared to look upon his angel to avert their gaze. They entered the throne room where they saw Lucia on the throne, rambling to a lower demon. "Make sure dinner this evening is suitable to my tastes- I don't know how Lord Malphas survives here, you have terrible cooks, do you know that Avem?" Avem grunted, "Yes, Lady. I shall ensure that the cooks are up to par with your palette." Lucia scoffed, "See that you do. I expect the best." Avem gritted his teeth, "I apologize we are no Silver City my lady Lust. But know that you are only in charge of things because his lordship-" Malphas spoke, "Avem. Behave yourself in front of Lady Lucia." Avem jumped and quickly cowered, "L-Lord Malphas.... You've returned." Lucia's eyes widened and she grinned, "Lord!" She noticed her daughter and moved to embrace her, "Oh my darling dove! I've missed you!" Angelica laughed, hugging her, "I missed you too mother." Lucia's eyes searched her daughter and she frowned, "You've Fallen." Angelica averted her gaze and Lucia hissed to Malphas, "I trusted you to watch over my doveling, Lord! You let her fall?!" Malphas frowned, "An order from our master was responsible. Neither of us were able to do anything. But she is doing much better now." Lucia hummed, "Yes. I hear you both were wounded, Prince Stolas stopped by. Said you were severely wounded Lord." Malphas nodded, "I was, yes. But I'm doing much better now." He looked at Angelica, "Besides, the bedside manner of an angel is truly something to be spoken of." Angelica smirked, "It was an absolute pain getting down here to find Lilli. I was going to get Ilia Vulpes, but unfortunately she was out." Malphas smirked, "At least you were able to get one of them." Lucia was staring at them now, silent for once in her life. "What in the seven circles happened since I last saw you?!"

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