His Butler & Maid, The Hermaphrodite

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It was late that night, a storm raging outside, when Aurora Magne and Mey-Rin woke to a loud scream. The two women shared a worried look. "What was that?!" Aurora exclaimed. Mey-Rin reached for the gun under her pillow and the holster under the bed, "I do not know, I don't!" The two leapt from their beds, rushing to the door and down the hall to find Sebastian and Ciel looking out a window while Angela cowered. Suddenly, they had all rushed outside to find the deceased corpse of a villager.

Aurora stepped back, moving beside Sebastian. The demon pulled her close, tucking her face to her chest as to not allow her to see the grotesque sight. As the servants rambled on, and his master theorized, the demon butler piped up, noticing Aurora and Angela both shaking. "My lord? Perhaps I shall escort Miss Magne and Miss Blanc inside?" Ciel waved him off, telling him to do as pleased, but to return soon.

As he escorted the two inside, he saw to Aurora first, helping her to the bath before leaving to have a conversation with the smirking hermaphrodite angel outside.

"You have exactly five seconds to explain how you live." He growled, "I was certain I killed you last we spoke Ash Landers." Angela giggled, a wicked glint in her eye. "You killed Ash. You did not kill the feminine counterpart that is Angela Blanc." Sebastian cracked his knuckles, "Ah? Forgive my error then, I shall end you then as well." Angela crossed one leg over the other, shaking her head, "Oh, I've no intentions of harming Angelica. Oh no- I already finished whatever vengeance I had. I finished that when Ash and I slayed her. Having a grudge is not healthy, Demon Lord. Angels deal with our problems quite swiftly."

Angela smiled slyly, "While Ash and I may have at one point been- one and the same, we no longer are. Thanks to you."

Sebastian was annoyed, to say the least. "Explain. How is a such a thing possible?" Angela's smile remained.

"When any regular angel dies, their immortal soul is destroyed. Sometimes, those angels are given a human soul and live out a new life as a human. However, for hermaphrodites, whether demon or angel, there are in fact two bonded souls. One male, one female. You fought both Ash and I. However in the end, it was Ash who you dueled. By killing Ash, you allowed me to become a regular angel. Ash may have been the original, but you slayed him. In turn, releasing me, the other half, to be free. So I thank you."

She took a sip of the tea she had conjured in hand. "Had you not I would be trapped to share a mind and morph body with him. Not that I do not appreciate the hermaphrodite spell that brought me into existence, but sharing with Ash was not... a nice experience."

Sebastian frowned, "How so?" Angela waved her hand, "I was not truly my own person. Ash often was in control of most actions. Now," she giggled and threw her hands up, "I am free." Sebastian narrowed his eyes, "So you mean no harm to anyone now?"

Angela shook her head, "Oh goodness no. I do have Ash's memories, but I do not possess his personality." She smiled kindly at the demon, "I have Ash's memories, hence my fondness for the Lady Angelica. I was quite surprised she failed to recall my face. But I decided it a side effect of the dust."

She stood and stood before the demon, "If anything, I owe you great thanks. It is ironic I must say these words to a demon." She chuckled and her light lavender eyes had a faint star like spark.

"I assure you, that I, as a somewhat Fallen Angel, in a personal exile to the earth, I have no ill intentions towards you. I only have the intention to live out my life in peace. As a sole being. Not bound to another angel with a passion for purity and genocide."

She looked to the demon, smiling. "It is strange, you are a demon who has rescued two angels." She giggled, and Sebastian's glare hardened. "I find it most intriguing."

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