White Maid, Fluent

613 19 4

Aurora flew them to the base of the Tower Bridge. She set her two companions down gently, and sheathed her wings and looked up at the bridge. 

"Tower Bridge." She hummed, "A bridge built by angels." 

Sebastian nodded slowly, "A sacred bridge. But it's believers are worse than demons." 

Aurora shuddered at that. The immortals turned to Ciel, "Are you sure about this, Ciel?" Aurora said, "After this there is no turning back. You will..." She trailed off, looking at Sebastian who confirmed her fears with a slow nod. 

"Die?" Ciel finished, "I know."

They were at the top of the bridge after Aurora flew them up. The angel maid's wings were snow white, with hints of white gold- though still decorated with flecks of red and pinkish gold from the blood. Ciel glared coldly at Ash, who was reveling in the fire's eerie glow. "You were responsible for Her Majesty's loss of future sight. Weren't you?" He asked.

Ash chuckled darkly, "She became impure, I did what I had to do." 

Aurora stepped forward, wings flaring out to act as a shield. "Any last words, Ash?" She asked as she pulled her rapier. Ash grinned, "You wouldn't kill me, princess... Not when I can tell you the reason your father had to die." 

Aurora stiffened. Ash laughed, "Yes... Your father may have been the Arch Angel, but he had committed an unforgivable sin. Do you know what sin that was, Aurora?" Aurora shook her head slowly. "No. You're lying." 

Ash chuckled, "I never lied to you, your father breached your cinematic record. Aurora, he stole your life from you. And do you know why?" Aurora was shaking now. Ash grinned, "He couldn't bear the thought of seeing you leave him. He committed the sin of greed. He wanted you all for himself. When locking you up in Heaven's tallest tower didn't work- he erased your mind. And he entrusted me to do so." 

Aurora shook her head, tears streaming down her face. "No! No your lying!" Ash walked over, wings flared out behind him. Tears spilled down Aurora's cheeks as she shrunk back as the other angel loomed over her. Sebastian glanced to his master, then back at Aurora.

Ash smiled slyly, and then held out his hand which held a bit of what looked to be dust. "Your suffering will be over soon, Angelica." A soft breeze lifted the dust from his palm, sending it into Aurora's eyes. 

She felt lightheaded.

Is this it? She asked herself, as suddenly Sebastian was over her, shaking her, his words falling on numb ears. 

Am I dying?

The demon's eyes were glowing furiously. 

I've never seen him so mad... 

What's happening.... 

She felt water on her face. 

He's crying. Why is he crying? Demons don't cry.

The demon's attention was attracted elsewhere, and a snarl fixed on his face and she saw through hazy eyes the dark blackness engulf him as he launched himself aside.

What... Where is he going? 

What's happening?

Her vision suddenly wavered, and she watched as she began to roll off the breaking Tower Bridge.


Sebastian, I'm falling. Don't let me fall. I don't think I'll survive that kind of fall in this state...

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