White Maid One Shot #21

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Summary; Aurora's memory has still been newly restored, and she's still getting the hang of things with the help of her best friend.

Set; Just after season 1, after Clawed Butler.

Just Like Old Times

Aurora had made a habit of wandering around the Phantomhive Manor at night, humming quietly to herself and letting memories rush over her. Tonight she was humming and wandering with her eyes closed, allowing herself some form of relaxation. Soon though, she was dancing in the halls and found herself being spun into someone's arms. Her silver blue eyes shot open and she noticed Sebastian smiling down at her and pulling her into a waltz in the middle of the hall. He smirked, "Get lost, mon cherie?" He asked. 

Aurora giggled, "Perhaps." 

The demon spun her around like a ballerina and Aurora smiled, "What are you doing up so late, Sebastian?" 

Sebastian hummed, "Searching for you, what else?" 

Aurora smirked, "Protecting the young master?" 

The demon dipped her and chuckled, "Yes, I suppose that." 

He pulled them back up and then took her hand, the pair of them walking down the hall. Aurora sighed, "I still can't believe it." She said softly, "I never thought I'd see you again." Sebastian looked over at her, "And I you. I was certain you were gone." He kissed her cheek, "I am glad to see you again." 

They were outside on the terrace now, looking out over the garden and the night sky. Aurora smiled slyly, "Do you remember when we were younger, Malphas?" The demon looked over at her as she hopped over the terrace and wandered over to a fountain in the garden. "Do you remember when we used to play all those silly games by the lake?" She added, walking on the edge of the fountain, balancing as she walked alongside him.

Sebastian smirked, "I remember." He said, "I also remember when I took a certain angel boating and she capsized the vessel because she got excited over seeing a fish." Aurora gasped and shoved him playfully, "I did not capsize the boat!" Sebastian chuckled, "Yes you did! You jumped up and tried to look after it." Aurora giggled, "Well, it was still fun." Sebastian smirked, "Yes... It was." 

He smiled fondly at the memory, remembering how they had fallen into the water and splashed each other and laughed for some time before they swam back to the shore and warmed up by a fire. He watched her now with a small smile as she looked into the fountain, watching the small fish in it. 

Seeing she was distracted, Sebastian smirked and moved to dunk her, only to have her shoot him a sly smirk at the last second, and grab him as he shoved her in, causing him to be pulled in as well with a loud splash. Sebastian sat up, drenched. Aurora's blonde hair was plastered to her face and she had a bright smile crossing her features. 

"You should have seen the look on your face, mon amie!" 

Sebastian smirked and tackled her, drawing a laugh from his childhood friend as he pinned her into the water. Aurora looked up at him, his crimson eyes were bright and full of life, unlike that of a regular demon. Water dripped from his raven coloured locks and onto her face. Aurora reached up to cup his face in her hand, a smile on her face. "I've missed this." Sebastian smiled, "Me too." He sat up and helped her out of the fountain with a chuckle, "You haven't changed a bit, have you?" 

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