White Maid Oneshot #54

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Summary; Aurora tries Sebastian's nerves per the request of Ciel who is curious to see how far the demon's composure can go.

Set; Weston Arc


Ciel was not happy. Sebastian was purposely failing him at this point. So the boy did the one thing he could think of- play dirty. Three years of living with that blasted demon taught him a few things. And he was going to play Sebastian's game now. Ciel snuck away from his class one day, then made his way up to the demon's personal house master quarters. Pushing the door open, he crept over to the bedroom door and smirked when he heard familiar humming.

"Aurora?" He carefully pushed open the door and found the blonde seated in the bed, reading a book. She glanced up in surprise. "Ciel? Ciel, what on earth are you doing in here? Did Sebastian send you?" She sat up and the boy moved to sit next to her, shaking his head. "No. I actually need your help with something." Aurora hummed, "Alright. I could use a break from rereading..." She looked at the book cover, "The dictionary... for the millionth time." Ciel grimaced, "That doesn't sound fun." Aurora sighed, "It isn't petit cheri. But Sebastian insisted I study my Anglais more." She smiled sweetly, "Now what can I do for you?" Ciel smirked, "I think you'll like this." Aurora smiled slyly,

"I'm all ears."

Late that night, Sebastian Michaelis returned to his quarters, for the first time in his years as a demon, he was exhausted. He couldn't wait to climb into his bed and curl up beside his mate. When he opened the door, he found his wife already asleep. Strange, he thought, walking over to the bedside and gently shaking her. "Angelica..." His wife didn't answer, and was deep in sleep. He frowned. She is already asleep? She always waits for me to join her before she falls asleep... He sighed and gently massaged her head for a brief moment before going to undress. He stripped down to only his white shirt and slacks before climbing into bed beside his beloved mate. When his arm pulled around his lover, she gave a small tired moan and he smiled leaning over to kiss her shoulder.

"Shush darling, it is just me, love. Go back to sleep." Aurora yawned and her silver blue hues fluttered open, "Your taking up too much space, mon cher... Move over..." Sebastian raised an eyebrow, "Excuse me?" Aurora yawned, "Just move over a little?" Sebastian, confused, obeyed her request and moved away from her a bit. Aurora yawned, "A little more, love..." Sebastian moved over a little bit more, now on the edge of the bed. Aurora rolled over and smiled lovingly, "Just a little more? Please?"

Sebastian was now wondering if he had done something to make her angry, and was about to ask her this as he moved that little bit more, only to yell as he fell out of bed and onto the floor. Aurora yawned, "That's perfect. Thank you, love." Sebastian stared at her in disbelief as he rubbed the back of his head, having hit his head on the way out of bed. "Of course..." He grumbled making himself at home on the floor before closing his eyes and attempting to sleep.

When he woke the next morning, Aurora was absent from the room and he heard her voice in his office. He groaned and dressed, his back hurting from his sleep on the floor. He found his wife chatting away with Ciel, the both of them playing a game of chess. Sebastian was about to scold the boy when he realized today was indeed a Saturday, meaning the boy was free of studies. Though Sebastian would be sure to go over everything with him regardless.

Aurora glanced over at him, "Oh. You are awake." Sebastian nodded and frowned at her wearing only his house master uniform without the robes. "Yes..." He grimaced as he felt his back pop and looked to his wife, "You did not wake me?" Aurora shrugged, "I figured you would need the extra sleep. You do complain constantly how exhausted you are." Sebastian was silent as she resumed her game with Ciel. He cleared his throat, "Anyways, my lord, we need to begin practicing for the tournament." Ciel scoffed, "Not likely. I can't even qualify if my grades aren't up to par."

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