His Butler & Maid, How The Feather Falls

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Sebastian stared at her blackened hand in silent horror. Fear gripping his body and ripping from the inside of his chest. The blackness was quickly growing, by now it was passing her wrists. 

She promised her heart to him. 

Her heart had been his. 

Always had been- and now he'd finally broken it.

She winced before him, other hand over her wounded heart. "I... I really shouldn't have done it..." She whispered, "But I was so certain. So certain that we would be together." She wiped her eyes, "That's why this hurts so much."

The demon before her was quiet for another moment before he finally found the words to speak. "How do we fix this?" He took her hand gently in his, examining the blackness. It was a gritty ash like substance, crawling up her arm almost as it it were veins of blood.

"True forgiveness." Aurora murmured, "Or an act of everlasting love." She sighed, "I don't know why I bound my heart to you. I thought it was a grand idea at the time-"

"When did you do this, exactly?" The demon inquired. Aurora hummed, "I started the process the last time we met before being separated, but I finished it in the Silver City after that speech you made."

She sighed, "I thought it would be good for us-"

"No." Sebastian deadpanned, "You were thinking of yourself. For yourself. Your own happiness." He smirked, "I may not entirely approve of doing such a thing without my consent, but well done darling, thinking for yourself at last. I'm so very proud."

He frowned then, eyeing her hand. "How long do you have?" Aurora sighed, "Hours, days, weeks? I don't know." She frowned, "It can be healed, but I'm not sure if you can manage." She pulled her hand from his. "Considering you're not an angel..." 

Sebastian hummed, "I am the first born of a Fallen Arch, it may work." Aurora sighed, leaning back. "Fine." She met his eyes, "Healing the broken hearted is not easily done, yes at the same time very easily done. When one is disloyal purposefully, it is much harder. If it is unintentional pain, it is much easier done." She cleared her throat, toying with the ring around her neck. "I've never seen it done, nor have I ever seen anything of the sort in my mother's books. So forgive me, I go off only myth."

Sebastian knelt before her, "Name it and it shall be done." 

She sighed, "An act of genuine compassion is meant to be shown, and accepted by the heart. If the heart cannot accept it, then hope is all but diminished." She eyed him worriedly, "If you cannot manage such, either I will die, or begin descent into madness."

Sebastian hummed, a smile pulling at the corners of his lips. "This will not be as horrid as I had anticipated," he took her hand, "And I did take the liberty of preparing a nice evening for us." Aurora followed him into the dining room, a candlelit dinner was sat upon the table, and the drapes were pulled upon to watch the fresh winter snow falling upon the ground. 

Her heart fluttered a bit and she glanced back at him, "You did this?" She asked, "When?" Sebastian smiled, "I had planned to put it together the moment we returned, but when you asked me to fetch the warm cloth I threw something together." 

The angel sighed, "You really wanted to do this?"

Sebastian smirked, "I'd planned on it all along." He laced an arm around her waist, "This is how I was going to ask you to move into my room with me." He kissed the side of her head, and walked forward. "I still plan to make due on that promise, my dear..." He added quietly, walking past her. Aurora smiled, following him into the dining room. "I see you put a lot of thought into it."

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