His Butler & Maid, L'Affaire Begins

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It was after that morning in the garden did their affair begin. (Whilst it did not come into full fruition until Sebastian's mating bond was completely destroyed, that did not matter at all to the demon.)

Sebastian pulled Aurora into his room every chance he got. When the servants returned, things grew more complicated. He was in the kitchen one late morning, Aurora between his arms against the counter, his mouth against hers as he prepared the young master's lunch. 

Aurora reached up to pull her arms around his neck, moaning into his kiss, pulling him down for more. There was a sudden sound of footsteps and they pulled apart, Aurora ducking under the demon's arm to chop some garlic, blushing as Bard and Mey-Rin came into the kitchen. Aurora glanced over at Sebastian, and found his only focus on the food he was preparing.

Bard looked over and finally spoke, cigarette hanging out of his mouth. "How come you're doin' all the cooking?" He complained, "I'm the chef!" Sebastian rolled his eyes before turning to face him, "Because you have proven countless times your inability to properly cook anything." 

Bard was still complaining, "But you've got Aurora helping you! She was hired to be a maid like Mey-Rin!" Sebastian narrowed his eyes, "On the contrary, Aurora was hired to be the housekeeper. And she is helping because she is a proficient cook." As he said that the blonde hissed in pain, pulling her finger to her mouth. Sebastian looked over, "What happened?"

Aurora pulled her finger to show him the blood, "Cut my finger again." Sebastian sighed, gesturing for her to wash the wound.

 "Honestly, right as I am complimenting your cooking skills."

 Aurora smirked, "You know I'm not the best cook, Sebastian. The only thing I managed to bake perfectly was chocolate chip cookies." 

Sebastian smiled before going back to his work, "I remember your cookies were quite good." Aurora laughed, "Yes. But you know I was never a good cook!" Sebastian smirked, "You compare to a gourmet chef compared to Bardroy." That drew a laugh from Aurora and Mey-Rin while Bard complained.

"Hey! I'm plenty good of a chef!"

A few hours later, Sebastian was with his young master in the study, eyes flicking towards his pocket watch. It was the young master's schooling hour, and Sebastian was supposed to rendezvous with Aurora in the billiard room after wards. Ciel was hard at work on a test, while his butler sat nearby. Sebastian with held the growl of annoyance.

How much longer was this going to take?

He leaned back in his chair, eyeing the boy with narrowed demonic eyes. He could hear the soft footsteps in the hall. He stiffened a bit. He knew she was outside. She was hesitant on whether to check on him. She soon left and Sebastian glanced at his pocket watch, frowning when he saw that they had gone nearly thirty minutes over time. He sighed and sat up, "The time is up, young master. Let me see how far you have gotten."

When the demon finally left, he kept an eye out, ensuring no one was in the hallway before ducking into the billiard room. "Finally! I've been waiting forever!" Aurora stood from one of the chairs and came over to kiss him. Sebastian hummed, pulling his arms around her waist. "Yes. I apologize for my tardiness, the young master was having some difficulty." 

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