White Maid, Clawed Butler

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Thunder crashed in the late night storm while two figures dashed through the rain, small droplets of dew dripping onto their cloaks. 

The more masculine figure held in his hand a suitcase of sorts, the feminine figure clutching her cloak close to her, preventing the drops of rain from hitting her luscious light blonde locks. Together the came to a mansion. 

Sharing a quick look and a hushed word, the masculine figure knocked on the door. They were greeted by a butler in black with tiny spectacles. "May I help you?" He said. The man with the suit case spoke, "My lady and I require lodgings for the night. We were travelling when the storm hit." 

A young blonde boy, about thirteen years of age- maybe a bit older, poked his head out from behind the butler, a grin on his face. "Hello!" His gaze fell upon the pair. He suddenly scowled, "Your just so filthy! You look just like drowned rats! Haha!" 

The woman held back a shudder as the young boy draped his arms around her, "But still... you do smell rather nice, so what's your name? Hmm?" Neither man nor woman uttered a word. The child turned to his butler, "This man and woman will be staying with us, understood Claude?" The butler said nothing, but as lightning clashed, his golden eyes flashed demonically.

The man and woman were seated at the dinner table, the young boy, Alois Trancy- holding up food and rambling. "Try this one! Claude's cooking is simply delicious!" The man spoke, "Yes I am sure it is quite nice, however, please observe the speck of sauce on the rim of the plate. I assume it would have been to great an inconvenience to wipe it away with a cloth?" 

Claude bowed, "My apologies sir. I'll clear this away." Claude took the plate, pausing about a mere millimeter from the two guests. "I didn't realize a man nor woman that refuse to discard their coats such as yourselves, would have such delicate sensibilities." The woman spoke softly, "Please, you flatter us."

Not long after, the couple were in a guest room, the man sitting upright on the bed, the woman curled atop the covers seemingly asleep. A knock at the door made the man look up as the maid, a woman with lilac colored hair entered. "Please pardon me sir, I've brought some hot water."

The man frowned. "May I ask why there is a bandage over your eye?" The maid paused, averting her gaze. "It's nothing," She said at last. The man hummed thoughtfully, "I am impressed you can still work." The maid said nothing.


A gasp from the maid at her master's voice. "What are you doing in here?" Hannah, the maid, trembled, the old pitcher of water in her hands. "I- I came to change the water."

"Oh?" Alois Trancy said walking over, a disapproving look upon his face. "Or perhaps you were seeking pity over wearing that silly bandage and acting pathetic for our guest." The pitcher fell to the floor, shattering on the carpet. "Get out of here now you stupid tart!" Alois flung the woman to the floor, kicking her for good measure. 

As Hannah scrambled towards the door, Alois's glare remained trained on her. But as the door closed shut behind her, his glare softened and he looked at the man. "Very sorry sir, please forgive her." The man spoke, "Are you certain she'll be alright?" Alois scoffed, "I don't care, she's such an embarrassment. What was she thinking anyways?" Trancy sighed, "Well, for that matter I suppose I don't often know what anyone is thinking."

Alois brightened a moment later, racing over to the large suitcase beside the man. "So- what's in that trunk of yours? Clothing? Sweets? Weapons?" Alois sighed, "I'm jealous of you- I bet you've travelled to all sorts of fine places don't you? I wish that I could travel sometimes. This mansion is so dull." The man chuckled, "Its dull?" 

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