White Maid; Cut Content/Ramble- Author's Summary

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There are many ways this story could have gone. I had intended initially on Aurora being a random high ranking angel coming to reunite the realms of demon, angel, and reaper. Such a story would have deviated too far off the plotline of the manga and anime. Ciel would have been not present for half if not majority of the story. So then I decided just to go read something else. I was rereading Black Butler (for the thousandth time that day), when I came across my copy of Romeo and Juliet from Freshman year English. Then it hit me. Romeo and Juliet- but with a twist. Such started this intricate story in which there is a reason why Sebastian is a stick in the mud sometimes and shows little emotion aside from demonic aspects. So I set to writing. 

Originally, Aurora was going to be introduced as Sebastian's feline friend (who was later named Noire for her black pelt) in the Jack the Ripper Arc where Sebastian was distracted. In this she would have been able to shapeshift- as she was part Fallen. I ended up scrapping the idea because I liked the idea of Undertaker finding her and then taking her in only to hand her off to Ciel and Sebastian. I'd toyed with the idea of Aurora becoming human because of her severed wings, but then that would have taken away her angelic nature which would mess up the bridge between season 2 and Book of Circus

So, I'd read multiple fanfics of Sebastian x oc, Sebastian x reader, etc. But I found myself severely disappointed. Some were either unfinished, finished and not long, or just flat out terrible. I was already having trouble on City Of Scars, and decided I needed a break from the saga. I hadn't intended to make the story go beyond season two. I was going to do something like "The Demon's Bride" by princessmewmew on Fanfiction.net and end it with Sebastian, Aurora and Ciel as a happy family. I'd also toyed with a time skip ending to modern day in which Sebastian and Aurora had two children being either the Phantomhive twins, oc children, or Ciel and Alois reincarnated. Then two things happened. 1) my writers block on city of scars continued. 2) I discovered the manga.

I was never an anime person, to be quite frank I hated anime altogether. But I'd run out of things to watch on Netflix and Black Butler popped up. I was writing, and decided to simply use the show as background noise. But then I got invested into the anime. I re watched it multiple times, then when I discovered the manga, I was hooked. 

Aurora's character was always meant to be this naïve girl who had never seen the outside world. She was supposed to be a Rapunzel like character mixed with a tad bit of Aurora from Sleeping Beauty. Shockingly- Aurora Magne was not named after Princess Aurora. She was named after the Aurora Borealis. I was going to keep her last name Borealis, but then liked Magné (pronounced Magné in French accent) better, as it sounded like a demonic French. Her full name- Angelica Aurora Laverné Magné was also inspired by the Angelica Scyhler (I happened to be listening to Hamilton) I decided on Angelica not only for this reason, but because it countered Angela Blanc. Aurora was born Angelica, as she was an angel. Her name changed because not only is she cast out of Heaven, but now she is masquerading as a human. An angel's middle name ultimately becomes their human name. 

Character Profile; Aurora

Name; Angelica Aurora Laverné Magné

Aurora has light, golden blonde hair that has a bright gold look when in the sun. Her eyes are a silvery blue that- partially due to her half breed angel heritage- change to depict her mood. Aurora is meant to be this half breed angel that no one really knows what to do with. Her father loved her dearly, and because her mother was not permitted in Heaven often due to being a Fallen, he tried desperately to keep his daughter away from trouble. Trouble that included interacting with a certain demon.

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