White Maid, Black Butler

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Hannah's soft singing was eerie, Aurora thought as she sat in the back of the boat. Sebastian's tailcoat wrapped tightly around her, she shivered, glancing at her blackened fingers. Sniffing and tucking her knees to her chest, she looked over at Ciel's body in Hannah's arms. 

They had descended into a realm between worlds. Akin to purgatory, the first circle of hell. Aurora wouldn't say they were in purgatory per say, not yet. More floating above it's waters. In the fathoms below, she could see the occasional passing soul, mouth open in eternal woe. She shivered again. 

While the three demons had no problem with the temperature, she msot certainly did. It was a border. Angels were forbidden from entering Hell for several reasons. Not only was it not their territory, or that it was simply forbidden- angels had little tolerance for the Hellscape. In a situation where attributes of the seven sins prevailed, and demons were powerful, the oppostie was true for angels. 

Remaining in such a realm for long could prove deadly to regular angels. The only way of safe entry was forbidden magic or to be immune to the Hellscape's effects. 

Being half Arch, it was the only reason Aurora had been allowed to join. 

Sebastian paused his rowing, bending down to her level, pushing a lock of hair behind her ear, and his hand gently cupping her face. "When this is all over, I promise things will improve." He murmured, "We'll travel, just like we promised."

Aurora said nothing, not meeting his gaze. 

Sebastian frowned, pulling away, and returning to his rowing.


"Ciel!" Aurora screamed dropping to her knees before the rings, "No. No!" While his lover cried on the floor, heart broken at the sight, Sebastian glared at Hannah, waiting for an explanation. "I have entered into a contract with Ciel Phantomhive and Jim Macken," Hannah explained. "Until my contract with Jim Macken is complete, Ciel's soul lies dormant."

"So he's not dead then." Sebastian said. Hannah smirked. "You will come with me, all of you. To fulfill his wish and then and only then, can Ciel Phantomhive survive." Aurora raised her rapier, "Why should we listen to you?" She rasped, "All you've done is lie, and send us on wild goose chases." She steadied herself, glaring, "Tell me why I shouldn't just kill you now?"

Hannah smirked, "I think you know exactly why, Princess." Hannah stepped forward, smirking at Aurora's quivering hand. "You let the boy die. You broke your oath. The soul, to your oath seal, is dead. And you know what happens when angels break oaths."

She leaned in, "They begin the process of falling."

Aurora stilled a bit, and glanced down to notice her fingertips beginning to blacken. Sebastian's eyes lit in alarm and he hissed, grabbing her hand, muttering curses to himself.

Hannah chuckled, "Your only chance at being able to reverse that, is by trusting me." Aurora winced, feeling the blackness travel through her veins. "Ow..." She whispered, leaning into Sebastian who pulled her against him, his teeth in a snarl as he looked at Hannah. Claude glared at her, "You're beyond cruel." He pointed out. Hannah purred, "Don't act like it doesn't stir something in you."

She lead them to the boat, and Sebastian looked to his lover, "I think it may be best you stay and wait for me here," he said, "The Hellscape will only accelerate your condition." He looked worriedly at her blackening fingers. Aurora frowned, "If you think I'm letting you go alone with those two- you're an idiot." She looked up at him, "My mother is Fallen, Malphas. I can take it. And it won't be for long."

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